SDLT 600 Product Manual
Cache | Specialized RAM used as a buffer between a fast CPU or I/O |
| channel and storage which has a relatively slow access time (for |
| example, tape or diskette), to avoid slowing down the former. |
Cartridge | At media insertion, the cartridge receiver assembly is responsible |
Receiver | for guiding the media into its operating position, opening the |
| door, unlocking the cartridge brakes, and securing the media for |
| operation. At media ejection, the cartridge receiver assembly |
| reverses the process and automatically ejects the data cartridge a |
| fixed distance from the front of the tape drive. |
Compressed | Capacity after data has been processed, using either software or |
Capacity | hardware, to reduce storage space while maintaining data |
| integrity. (See also Data Compression.) |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association, also known as CSA |
| International. |
CTM | Cartridge Tape Module. The main function of the SDLT’s CTM |
| is to provide the magnetic recording media used by the tape drive |
| to store customer information. The CTM also provides the |
| protective cartridge that allows the media to be removed and |
| stored safely. |
Data | A process that reduces the amount of storage space required to |
Compression | hold a particular block of data. Data transfer speed and total |
| media capacity are affected by the data compression achieved. In |
| accordance with industry practice, a typical compression ratio is |
| 2:1 of data storage. Actual compression ratios achieved depend |
| on the redundancy of data files being written. |
DC | Direct Current. |
DCM | Data Control Module. The main functions of the DCM are to |
| provide the path and guides for the all media motion inside the |
| tape drive and to write data to and read data from the media. |
March 2004 |