>Use the arrow keys to mark the column Rep.
>Press the OK key.
A selection window will be displayed, showing various repeat options.
1x Timer on once
T Daily repeat
1 W Repeat once a week
>Use the arrow keys up/down to select the desired function.
>Confirm and accept the setting by pressing OK.
Saving data to memory
>When you have completed the programming, press the green function key Accept, to save the data to memory.
If under Channel you have selected a channel that is blocked as per Point 9.3, you must first enter the PIN code before the data can be entered into memory.
>Press the TV/Radio key to return to normal opera- tion. Timer overview
The timer overview function gives you an overview of all timer events programmed.
>To go to the menu Timer overview, call up the menu Manage timer as described above.
>Use the arrow keys up/down to mark the line
Timer overview.
>Confirm by pressing OK.
Should there by any overlapping in the programming of multiple timer events, so that these timers cannot be executed correctly, these overlaps will be indicated in red.