Vertical steam ironing

GZXdbbZcY i^dch/[dg fabrics other than linen or cotton, hold the iron a few centimetres from the garment to avoid burning the fabric.


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being worn, always hang garments on a coat hanger.

™=daY^c\i]Z^gdc^cVkZgi^XVaedh^i^dc- fig.13i^aiZYha^\]ian[dglVgYh!egZhhgZeZViZYan dci]ZhiZVbXdcigdaWjiidcjcYZgcZVi]i]Z^gdc]VcYaZbdk^c\i]Z^gdc[gdbide idWdiidb- fig.14.

Power Zone Function

™NdjgVeea^VcXZ^cXajYZhi]ZEdlZgOdcZWjiidc/XdcXZcigViZYhiZVbh]diVii]Zi^ed[i]ZhdaZeaViZ!idWZjhZY^c eVgi^XjaVgidiVg\ZihijWWdgcXgZVhZh!YZiV^a^c\VcYodcZhi]ViVgZY^[ÄXjaiidVXXZhh#

™IdjhZi]^h[jcXi^dc!egZhhi]ZEdlZgOdcZWjiidcdcided[i]Z^gdcVhd[iZcVhcZXZhhVgn- fig.15.

AQUABOOST VAPORIZER button (pressurised cold water spray)

™NdjghiZVb^gdc^hZfj^eeZYl^i]VcZljc^fjZ[jcXi^dc/VegZhhjg^hZYlViZgVidb^o^c\hnhiZb!^cjaigV"hbVaaYgdeaZih idZa^b^cViZXgZVhZhjeidi]gZZi^bZhbdgZZ[[ZXi^kZani]VchiZVb#


™>cdgYZgiddei^b^hZ^ihZ[ÄX^ZcXn!egZhhWg^ZÅndci]Z6fjVWddhiKVedg^oZgWjiidcadXViZYZ^i]Zgh^YZd[i]ZEdlZg OdcZWjiidcWjiVkd^YegZhh^c\dc^igZeZViZYan^cdgYZgcdiidYVbeZci]ZXadi]^c\iddbjX]#


™>i^hVahdgZXdbbZcYZYidYZhXVaZi]ZXVed[i]^hkVedg^oZgZkZgnbdci]l]Zci]Z^gdc^hXdaY#>cdgYZgidYdi]^h! jchXgZl^iVXXdgY^c\an- fig.28VcYhdV`^i^cl]^iZk^cZ\VgVkV^aVWaZ[gdb]VgYlVgZhidgZhdg^caZbdc_j^XZ[dg(% b^cjiZh#G^chZi]ZXVejcYZgi]ZiVeVcYhXgZlWVX`dcidi]Z^gdc- fig.29.

Dry ironing


Refilling the tank during use

™L]Zci]ZgZY®IVc`Zbein¯a^\]i^hÅVh]^c\- fig.11!i]ZgZ^hcdbdgZhiZVb#I]ZlViZgiVc`^hZbein#

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Maintenance and cleaning

Cleaning your steam generator

Your steam iron is fitted with a Gliss/Glide ProtectTM6jidXaZ chdaZea iZ/

™>ih ZmXajh^kZ VXi^kZ XdVi^c\ Vaadlh ^i id Za^b^cViZ Vcn ^bejg^i^Zh i]Vi bVn WZ gZ\jaVgan \ZcZgViZYYjg^c\cdgbVaXdcY^i^dchd[jhZ#

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™9dcdijhZVcnineZd[XaZVc^c\dgYZhXVa^c\egdYjXiidXaZVci]ZhdaZeaViZdgi]ZWVhZjc^i# ™LZgZXdbbZcYValVnhhiVcY^c\ndjg^gdcjeg^\]idgdci]Z^gdcgZhiidegdiZXi^ihXdVi^c\# ™CZkZg]daYi]Z^gdcdgi]ZWVhZjc^ijcYZgVgjcc^c\iVe# ™8aZVci]ZeaVhi^XeVgih[gdbi^bZidi^bZjh^c\Vha^\]ianYVbehd[iXadi]#

Never use harsh or abrasive cleaning products.

Warning! Using an abrasive pad will damage the soleplate’s autoclean coating - fig.27.

Easy descaling of your steam generator

Do not use any descaling substances (industrial descaling products, etc.)

when rinsing the anti- hX aZXdaaZXidg/

they could damage it. Before emptying your steam generator, it must always be left to cool for 2 hours to avoid any risks of scalding.

Id ZmiZcY i]Z a^[Z d[ ndjg hiZVb \ZcZgVidg VcY Vkd^Y hXVaZ dc ndjg ^gdc^c\! ndjg hiZVb \ZcZgVidg ^h Zfj^eeZY l^i] V Wj^ai"^c hXVaZ XdaaZXidg# I]^h XdaaZXidg! adXViZY ^c i]Z iVc`! VjidbVi^XVaangZbdkZhi]ZhXVaZi]Vi[dgbh^ch^YZ#

DeZg i^dc/

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Tefal GV8975E0 manual Maintenance and cleaning

GV8975E0 specifications

The Tefal GV8975E0 is a powerful steam generator iron that sets a new standard for garment care. Designed to effectively tackle tough wrinkles, this appliance offers a blend of innovative features and user-friendly design that makes ironing a breeze.

One of the key highlights of the Tefal GV8975E0 is its impressive steam output. With a continuous steam rate of up to 120 g/min, it penetrates fabrics deeply, making it highly effective on various materials, from delicate silks to thick cottons. For those stubborn wrinkles, the boost function delivers an intense shot of steam at 400 g/min, ensuring even the toughest creases are easily eliminated.

The GV8975E0 is equipped with a durable and ceramic soleplate, which glides smoothly over fabric surfaces, greatly enhancing the ironing experience. The design of the soleplate not only provides efficient heat distribution but also includes a precision tip that allows users to easily access difficult areas like collars and seams.

Another standout feature is its automatic steam adjustment function. This technology automatically adapts the steam output according to the fabric type selected, ensuring optimal results without any risk of scorching or damaging your clothes. This makes ironing faster and safer, especially for individuals who may be less experienced in handling various materials.

In terms of convenience, the Tefal GV8975E0 boasts a generous water tank capacity of up to 1.6 liters, allowing for longer ironing sessions without the need for constant refills. Additionally, it has a fast heat-up time of just 2 minutes, enabling users to expedite their laundry routine.

The model also prioritizes safety with an automatic shut-off feature, which turns the unit off when not in use, preventing accidents and conserving energy. This aspect is particularly important for busy households where appliances are often left unattended.

Overall, the Tefal GV8975E0 steam generator iron combines powerful steaming performance with ease of use, safety features, and efficient design. Its advanced technologies and thoughtful characteristics make it an essential tool for keeping garments smooth and wrinkle-free, meeting the demands of modern-day laundry care with exceptional efficiency.