Appendix A
Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Below is a compilation of resources ranging from the technology used in Radio Dispatch products, as well as application
guides describing how to configure the radio dispatch products with many of the radios used with those products.
NOTE: Because white papers and application guides are always being written and posted to this site, please visit
http://www.telex.com/RadioDispatch/Default.aspx, and then click Downloads, for the most current list of
publication offerings.

FILE Application Guides

Moto XTL-5000 Motorola XTL - 5000 Radios to 223 Series Adapter Panel
This application note is intended to show how to assemble a cable and setup the hardware of
different 223 series adaptor panels (TRA223, DSP223 and IP223) to a Motorola XTL-5000 series
mobile radio.
Cross Band

Creating Cross Band Repeaters or Extended Radio Coverage Using


This application guide is intended to show how to create a cross band repeater or extend coverage
using IP-223s in either a LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network).

Kenwood Radio - Series 80, 90, and 150/180 To IP-223

This application guide is intended to show how to assemble the cable and setup the hardware of the
IP-223 for channel change and Fleetsync applications using Kenwood radios.
223 EFJ5300

EF Johnson - Series 5300 radio to the 223 Series Adaptor Panels

This application guide is intended to show how to assemble a cable and setup the hardware of
different 223 series adaptor panels (TRA223, DSP223 and IP223) to the EF Johnson 5300 mobile