Setup Information
Relay Group Drop Down Menu
The Relay Group drop down menu identifies if a relay is grouped into separate functions. This allows more than one (1) relay to be activated at any particular time by being in separate groups.
For example, when F1 has R1 selected as its relay, and F2 has R2 selected as its relay, setting the two (2) Relay Group numbers to the same value allows multiple relays with different functions. In this scenario, the relays for F1 and F2 are interlocked. When the Relay Group assigned to F1 and F2 are different, R2 does not activate when F1 is received.
Furthermore, when there is no relay selected for a function tone, but the assigned relay group is used by another relay group, when the function tone is received, all relays in the group are activated. This allows relay R1 and R2 to be assigned to different groups and use other function tones within the same relay group to activate them.
Select either 1 or 2 from the drop down menu.
Relay Time (ms) Field
The Relay Time (ms) field identifies if the selected relay(s) latch ON when the function tone is received, or if the selected relay(s) is latched ON for a specified period of time when the function tone is received. To program the relay(s) to latch ON when the function tone is received, enter a zero (0) in the field. To set the duration the relay(s) is latched ON, enter the desired amount of time, in ms, in the field.
The range for this field is 0 to 32000. H=high (on), L=low (off)
Call Type Drop Down Menu
The Call Type drop down menu, shown in Figure 113 identifies the iDEN radio call type.
Available selections for this field are: Direct Connect, Group Call, Call Alert, or Emergency Group Call.
FIGURE 113. Call Type Drop Down Menu - iDEN Mode
iDEN Number Field
The iDEN Number field is used to enter the iDEN ID number for the function tone setup. Consult the manufacturer’s technical data for ID formatting guidelines.
This field can contain up to 17 characters.