Setup Information
The following is a brief explanation of the factory setup options shown in Figure 87:
A - Provides the ability to reset the unit.
B - Allows access to the password if it is new or forgotten.
C - Allows the unit to get an IP Address via DHCP, or to manually set the IP Address.
D - Allows the Subnet Mask to be manually entered or changed.
E - Allows the Gateway Address to be manually entered or changed.
F - Provides the ability to reset (back to defaults) the Board Parameters.
14.When Reset the Board’s password to None appears, type Y to reset the board’s password number to none, otherwise, type N.
15.Press Enter.
16.When Should this target obtain IP settings from the network appears, type Y to obtain the IP settings from the network, otherwise, type N.
17.Press Enter.
18.When Static IP Address appears, enter the IP Address of the
19.Press Enter.
20.When Subnet Mask IP Address appears, enter the Subnet Mask IP Address, if necessary.
21.Press Enter.
22.When Gateway address IP Address appears, enter the Gateway IP Address, if necessary.
23.Press Enter.
24.When Reset Board Params appears, type Y to reset the board parameters, otherwise type N.
25.Press Enter.
26.When “Do you wish to reset the unit now” appears, type Y if changes were made on the window, otherwise enter an N.
27.If changes were made on the window, press ENTER to reset the
28.Close the HyperTerminal program.