

1 minute

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Baud rate Sets the rate in bits per second1 for RS-232 remote control. The serial format is always 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit (8N1). See section 6, System Level functions.

System Setups See Setups, page 6-6

Set time ZephyrExpress’ clock will keep track of the time and date in US or European styles, depending on how you enter it. To set the clock, se- lect this item and enter the current date and time according to the in- structions below. Hours are in military (24-hour) format. You may enter the year as two digits if you prefer; the Y2K rollover is hardly relevant to ZephyrExpress. You may omit entering the seconds if you prefer.

To set the clock for US-style dates, enter the date and time using this format. The pound sign — # — is used as the separator.

mm#dd#yyyy#hh#mm#ss For example, 1:00 PM on De- cember 25, 1999, would be entered as 12#25#1999#13#00#00, or

— if you shorten the year and omit the seconds — as 12#25#99#13#00.

To set the clock for European-style dates, enter the date and time using this format. The star sign — * — is used as the separator:

dd*mm*yyyy*hh*mm*ss For example, 11:30 AM on Janu- ary 5, 2000, would be entered as 05*01*2000*11*30*00, or — if you shorten the year and omit the seconds — as 05*01*00*11*30.

Software The first four choices of this item are used when installing new soft- ware versions. See section 6, System Functions, or the instructions that are shipped with the software.

This item also includes two choices for resetting ZephyrExpress in case of system problems:

Reboot — This reloads the software without restarting the hardware (“warm boot”).

Hart Reset — This restarts the hardware and reloads the software (“cold boot”).

1Most people confuse Baud rate, used in low-speed modems, with bits per second. But they’re not the same thing. Bits per second is correct in this application — goodness, you’d expect us to know that — but we couldn’t fit it on the LCD.

6-18 MENUS

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Telos ZephyrExpress user manual Seconds Minute Minutes Minutes Never