







Set up



Administrator Function/Changing ID and Password

The administrator log-in name and password can be set.

1 Click "Admin. Function" in the Admin. Menu.

The sub menu for administrator functions will appear.

2 Click "1. Changing ID/Password" in the sub menu.

A setup screen of "Administrator Function / ID Password Change" will appear.

3 Configure each setting items.

Click the Save button to save the settings.

The settings will not be reflected unless the Save button is clicked.

Administrator information setting

Set (change) the administrator ID and administrator password for log-

ging in the camera.


Enter an ID (administrator log-in name) for authentication.


Enter the password.

Password (Confirm): Enter the same password again.

Click the Save button save the settings.


Maximum of 16 following characters can be used in "ID", "Password" and "Password (confirm):

. (dot), - (hyphen), @, 0 - 9, a to z and A to Z

Clicking the Save button displays the confirmation message "This will save setting changes and reboot the camera. Do you want to continue? Clicking the OK button will automatically connect to the camera in 30 seconds. Please wait in this condition." Click "OK" to save the settings and to automatically reboot the network camera.

User Information





Set ON or OFF for "Login Restriction."







ON: The user ID and Password are requested for authentication during








OFF: Can login without authentication.



Set user IDs and passwords of users who are authorized to login on the




Enter an ID for authentication.




Enter the password for authentication.

Viewing and


"Password (confirm)": Enter the same password again.




Click the Save button save the settings.

Listening Operation














Maximum of 16 following characters can be used in "ID", "Password" and



"Password (confirm)":





. (dot), - (hyphen), @, 0 - 9, a to z and A to Z


Log-in restriction is set to on by default. Change the login restriction



according to your use.




Clicking the Save button displays the confirmation message "This will save



setting changes and reboot the camera. Do you want to continue? Clicking



the OK button will automatically connect to the camera in 30 seconds. Please wait in this condition." Click "OK" to reflect the settings and to automatically reboot the network camera.

Set up



Page 47
Image 47
Toshiba IK-WB21A manual Click Admin. Function in the Admin. Menu, Click 1. Changing ID/Password in the sub menu