150Mbps Wireless N Nano Router
name (SSID) to a different value. This value is
¾Region - Select your region from the
¾Channel - This field determines which operating frequency will be used. The default channel is set to Auto. It is not necessary to change the wireless channel unless you notice interference problems with another nearby access point.
¾Mode - Select the desired mode. The default setting is 11bgn mixed.
•11b only - Select if all of your wireless clients are 802.11b.
•11g only - Select if all of your wireless clients are 802.11g.
•11n only- Select only if all of your wireless clients are 802.11n.
•11bg mixed - Select if you are using both 802.11b and 802.11g wireless clients.
•11bgn mixed - Select if you are using a mix of 802.11b, 11g, and 11n wireless clients.
Select the desired wireless mode. When 802.11g mode is selected, only 802.11g wireless stations can connect to the Router. When 802.11n mode is selected, only 802.11n wireless stations can connect to the AP. It is strongly recommended that you set the Mode to 802.11b/g/n, and all of 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n wireless stations can connect to the Router.
¾Channel Width - Select any channel width from the
¾Enable SSID Broadcast - It is default enabled, so that the wireless router will broadcast its name (SSID) on the air.
¾SSID (to be bridged) - The SSID of the AP your Router is going to connect to as a client. You can also use the search function to select the SSID to join.
¾BSSID (to be bridged) - The BSSID of the AP your Router is going to connect to as a client. You can also use the search function to select the BSSID to join.
¾Survey - Click this button, you can survey the AP which runs in the current channel.
¾Security Type - This option should be chosen according to the AP's security configuration. It is recommended that the security type is the same as your AP's security type.
¾WEP Key Index - This option should be chosen if the key type is WEP (ASCII) or WEP (HEX). It indicates the index of the WEP key.