RF level
These commands enable you to set the RF level in the range
0.1dB. You can adjust the level in steps by setting the size of the step and then stepping the level up or down. And after having adjusted the level you can either return to the reference level or make the current level the reference level. You can set the units to a default if required. For voltage related units, you can select either EMF or PD. You can also switch the output at the RF OUT socket off or on. For attenuator hold see under 'Miscellaneous commands' below.
You can also set your own maximum output power limit which allows you to protect sensitive devices connected to the RF OUT socket. The maximum calibrated output level is +25.1 dBm up to 1.2 GHz and +19 dBm above this frequency. Above 1.2 GHz an uncalibrated level up to +25.1 dBm is allowed. The setting will be saved in
The RF offset function enables you to offset the RF output level to compensate for cable or switching losses, or to standardize a group of instruments so that they give identical measurements. One offset is allowed in each of the following ranges:
9 kHz | - | 150 MHz |
150 MHz | - | 300 MHz |
300 MHz | - | 600 MHz |
600 MHz | - | 1.2 GHz |
1.2 GHz | - | 2.4 GHz |
The entered carrier frequency automatically selects the appropriate frequency range over which the offset is applied. Set the required positive or negative RF offset in the range 0 to 5.0 dB to a resolution of 0.1 dB. For each required additional range enter the carrier frequency then the offset. Ensure that your offsets are saved so that when subsequently the instrument is switched on again it will be set with your specified offsets.
RFLV | Set RF Output Level (short form) |
:VALUE | Set RF Output Level |
Data type : | Decimal Numeric Program Data |
Allowed suffices : | Any one of: DBM, DBV, DBMV, DBUV, V, MV or UV |
Default suffix : | DBM unless changed by UNITS command |
:INC | Set RF Level step (dB) |
Data type : | Decimal Numeric Program Data |
Allowed suffices : | DB only |
Default suffix : | DB |
:UP | Go UP one step |
:DN | Go DOWN one step |
:RETN | Return to original setting |
:XFER | Transfer current value to be the new setting |
:ON | Turn RF Output ON |
:OFF | Turn RF Output OFF |
Data type : | None |
Allowed suffices : | None |
Default suffix : | None |
:TYPE | Selects EMF or PD for voltage related units |
Data type : | Character Program Data (EMF or PD) |
Allowed suffices : | None |
Default suffix : | None |