Security and Network Setup | System Guide |
•chargen (Sends revolving pattern of ASCII characters)
•time (Outdated time service)
•name (Obsolete
•finger (Remote user information server)
•talk (server talk program)
•comsat (biff server - mail notification daemon)
•exec (remote execution server. Used by rexec command)
•dtspc (CDE Subprocess Control Service, for remote logins)
•rpc.rusersd (network username server)
•rpc.sprayd (records the packets sent by the spray command)
•rpc.rwalld (network rwall server)
•rquotad (Remote quota server. Used by the quota
•command to display user quotas for remote file systems)
•login (remote login server used by rlogin command)
•rstatd (used by performance meter)
•sadmind (Distributed system administration daemon)
•fs (Xfont server. Used by CDE to render fonts)
•amiserv (RPC Smart Card Interface)
•rpc.cmsd (Calendar manager service daemon)
•Tooltalk database server
•KCMS (Kodak Color Management System profile server)
•bwnfs ( Beame &Whiteside NFS, used by Hummingbird MaestroNFS)
The services previously listed are disabled by editing the /ect/ inetd.conf file. A complete example of the inetd.conf file setup with the high security setting can be found later in this chapter.
Other services are disabled by renaming its startup script in the appropriate /etc/rc#.d directory. These include:
/etc/rc2.d: • S40llc2 (Class II logical link control driver)
•S47asppp (Asynchronous PPP link manager, used for Xerox remote diagnostics)
•S70uucp (Unix to Unix copy server)
•S71ldap.client (LDAP daemon, caches server and client information for NIS lookups.)
Common Controller |