Prestige 642R Series ADSL Router
packets that appear on the wire. They are applied at the point when the Prestige is receiving and sending the packets; i.e. the interface. The interface can be an Ethernet, or any other hardware port. The following diagram illustrates this.
Figure 8-16 Protocol and Device Filter Sets
8.5Applying a Filter and Factory Defaults
This section shows you where to apply the filter(s) after you design it (them). Sets of factory default filter rules have been configured in Menu 21 (but have not been applied) to prevent NetBIOS traffic from triggering calls, incoming telnet and sessions. The PPPoE filter filters out all packets except PPPoE packets going out from the Prestige to the ISP or remote node.
8.5.1 LAN traffic
LAN traffic filter sets may be useful to block certain packets, reduce traffic and prevent security breaches. Go to Menu 3.1 (shown next) and enter the number(s) of the filter set(s) that you want to apply as appropriate. You can choose up to four filter sets (from twelve) by entering their numbers separated by commas, e.g., 3, 4, 6, 11. Input filter sets filter incoming traffic to the Prestige and Output filter sets filter outgoing traffic from the Prestige. The factory default set, NetBIOS_LAN, can be inserted in the protocol filters field under Input Filter Sets in Menu 3.1 to block NetBIOS traffic to the Prestige from the LAN.
Menu 3.1 – General Ethernet Setup
Input Filter Sets: protocol filters= 2
device filters= Output Filter Sets:
Protocol filters=
device filters=
Apply Default Filter 2 here.
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Figure 8-17 Filtering LAN Traffic
Filter Configuration |