Prestige 100L IDSL Router



Permanent Virtual Circuit. A PVC is a logical point-to-point circuit between customer sites. PVCs are low-delay circuits because routing decisions do not need to be made along the way. Permanent means that the circuit is preprogrammed by the carrier as a path through the network. It does not need to be set up or torn down for each session.

(Regional Bell Operating Company): There are currently seven regional telephone companies that were created by the AT& T divestiture.


An RFC (Request for Comments) is an Internet formal document or standard that is


the result of committee drafting and subsequent review by interested parties. Some


RFCs are informational in nature. Of those that are intended to become Internet


standards, the final version of the RFC becomes the standard and no further


comments or changes are permitted. Change can occur, however, through


subsequent RFCs.


Routing Information Protocol is an interior or intra-domain routing protocol that uses


the distance-vector routing algorithms. RIP is used on the Internet and is common in


the NetWare environment as a method for exchanging routing information between





A device that connects two networks together. Routers monitor, direct, and filter information that passes between these networks. Because of their location, routers are a good place to install traffic or mail filters. Routers are also prone to attacks because they contain a great deal of information about a network.

In NetWare, the SAP (Service Advertising Protocol) broadcasts information about available services on the network that other network devices can listen to. A server sends out SAP messages every 60 seconds. A server also sends out SAP messages to inform other devices that it is closing down. Workstations use SAP to find services they need on the network.


A computer, or a software package, that provides a specific kind of service to client


software running on other computers.


Looking over someone's shoulder to see the numbers they dial on a phone, or the


information they enter into a computer.


Any device that is controlled by another device called the master.


System Network Management Protocol is a popular management protocol defined by


the Internet community for TCP/IP networks. It is a communication protocol for


collecting information from devices on the network.


A protocol that handles TCP traffic through proxy servers.


(Service Order Number): The SON is the number issued by the local exchange


carrier to confirm the order for the ISDN service. It provides a matching number for


cross-referencing the order to the phone company.

Unwanted e-mail, usually in the form of advertisements.


(Service Profile Identifier): The ISDN switch needs to have a unique identification


number for each ISDN set to which it sends calls and signals.

To forge something, such as an IP address. IP Spoofing is a common way for


hackers to hide their location and identity.



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ZyXEL Communications Prestige 100L manual PVC Rboc, Rfc, Rip, Sap, Snmp, Socks, Son, Spam, Spid