Texas Instruments TMS320 specifications Instruction set, Addressing modes, Repeat feature

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instruction set

The TMS320C2x microprocessor implements a comprehensive instruction set that supports both numeric-intensive signal processing operations as well as general-purpose applications, such as multiprocessing and high-speed control. The TMS32020 source code is upward-compatible with TMS320C25 source code. TMS32020 object code runs directly on the TMS320C25.

For maximum throughput, the next instruction is prefetched while the current one is being executed. Since the same data lines are used to communicate to external data/program or I/O space, the number of cycles may vary depending upon whether the next data operand fetch is from internal or external memory. Highest throughput is achieved by maintaining data memory on-chip and using either internal or fast external program memory.

addressing modes

The TMS320C2x instruction set provides three memory addressing modes: direct, indirect, and immediate addressing.

Both direct and indirect addressing can be used to access data memory. In direct addressing, seven bits of the instruction word are concatenated with the nine bits of the data memory page pointer to form the 16-bit data memory address. Indirect addressing accesses data memory through the auxiliary registers. In immediate addressing, the data is based on a portion of the instruction word(s).

In direct memory addressing, the instruction word contains the lower seven bits of the data memory address. This field is concatenated with the nine bits of the data memory page pointer to form the full 16-bit address. Thus, memory is paged in the direct addressing mode with a total of 512 pages, each page containing 128 words.

Up to eight auxiliary registers (AR0-AR7) provide flexible and powerful indirect addressing (five on the TMS32020, eight on the TMS320C25). To select a specific auxiliary register, the Auxiliary Register Pointer (ARP) is loaded with a value from 0 to 7 for AR0 through AR7, respectively.

There are seven types of indirect addressing: auto-increment or auto-decrement, post-indexing by either adding or subtracting the contents of AR0, single indirect addressing with no increment or decrement, and bit-reversal addressing (used in FFTs on the TMS320C25 only) with increment or decrement. All operations are performed on the current auxiliary register in the same cycle as the original instruction, following which the current auxiliary register and ARP may be modified.

repeat feature

A repeat feature, used with instructions such as multiply/accumulates, block moves, I/O transfers, and table read/writes, allows a single instruction to be performed up to 256 times. The repeat counter (RPTC) is loaded with either a data memory value (RPT instruction) or an immediate value (RPTK instruction). The value of this operand is one less than the number of times that the next instruction is executed. Those instructions that are normally multicycle are pipelined when using the repeat feature, and effectively become single-cycle instructions.



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Contents TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION Digital Signal Processors DescriptionPGA and PLCC/CER-QUAD PIN Assignments Signals DefinitionFunction PIN Introduction Memory Space Key Features TMS32020Bit-Reversed Indexed-Addressing Mode for Wait States for Communication to Slower Off-ChipPackage ArchitectureTMS320 Second-Generation Device Overview TypeFunctional block diagram TMS320C2x SECOND-GENERATION Devices16 ⋅ 16-bit parallel multiplier TimerScaling shifter Memory controlTMS320 SECOND-GENERATION Devices Memory MapsExternal interface Interrupts and subroutinesMultiprocessing Instruction set Repeat featureAddressing modes Symbol Definition Instruction SymbolsInstruction set summary TMS320C25 Instruction Set Summary XORK² SUBT²XOR ZACLTA ApacLPH ² LTP ²Data Memory Operations Mnemonic Description Words TMS320C25 Instruction Set Summary concluded TMS32020 TMS32020 Product NotificationDevelopment support Software Tools Part Number TMS320 Second-Generation Software and Hardware SupportHardware Tools Part Number Specification overview Documentation supportMIN NOM MAX Unit Recommended operating conditionsParameter Test Conditions MIN TYP§ MAX Unit Internal clock option Clock Characteristics and TimingExternal clock option Test Load Circuit Memory and Peripheral Interface Timing Parameter MIN TYP MAX UnitHold Timing RS, INT, BIO, and XF TimingHold Holda Serial Port Timing MP/MC IOH INT Clkin / Clkx / ClkrTMS320C25GBA Parameter Test Conditions MIN TYP MAX Unit External Clock Option ClkinVOH Min TdC1L-AL Low after CLKOUT1 low Serial Port Timing VPP Eprom ProgrammingSee Notes 14 IPP1CLKIN, CLKX, Clkr INT0 INT2 VIHMP/MC VIL Internal Clock Option External clock option CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2Fcrystal TdC1-S From Clkout if Is present TsuIN Setup before CLKOUT1 high Parameter Contrast Summary of Electrical SpecificationsClock characteristics and timing MIN TYP MAXHold timing Memory and peripheral interface timingRS, INT, BIO, and XF timing Serial port timingTiming Diagrams Clock timingBR, PS, D S Memory read timingReady Memory write timing CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 StrbOne wait-state memory access timing MSCReset timing IackInterrupt timing TMS32020 Interrupt timing TMS320C25Serial port receive timing Serial port transmit timingBIO timing External flag timingPC = N PC = N + Holda Hold timing part aHold ExecuteCLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 Hold timing part BHolda Fetch Fetch Execute Or is D15-D0 TdHH-AH Typical Supply Current Characteristics for TMS320C25 TMS320C25FNL Plcc reflow soldering precautionsPin GB grid array ceramic package TMS32020, TMS320C25 Mechanical DataParameter MAX Unit Advance Jedec NO. Outline Terminals MIN MAX Programming the TMS320E25 Eprom cell Fast programming and verificationEPT Pin Nomenclature TMS320E25VCC EPT VPPProgram Read Output Name ² PIN Verify Inhibit Disable TMS320E25 Programming Mode LevelsSignal ErasureFast Programming Flowchart Program verifyRead Output disableROM protection and verification VIH VIL PGM VPP VCC TMS320E25 Protect and Verify Eprom Mode LevelsEprom protect VSS Clkin EPT VPPEprom RbitVIH VIL VPP VCC VCC VIH VIL PGM VIH/VOH HI-Z VIL/VOL VPP EPT VSSTMS320 SECOND-GENERATION NIL Packaging Information Other Qualified Versions of TMS320C25Important Notice