MB QUART QAA1000 Multiplier Switch, Frequency Adjustment Wheel, Clip Indicators, Gain Setup

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Multiplier Switch

This switch sets the multiplier for the crossover frequencies.

Placing the switch in the x10 position (Up) sets the adjustable crossover frequency to 500-5000Hz.

Placing the switch in the x1 position (Down) sets the adjustable crossover frequency to 50-500Hz.

Frequency Adjustment Wheel

After setting the Frequency Switch and Multiplier Switch, use the Frequency Adjustment Wheel to set the desired cut-off point.

Turning the adjustment wheel to the left decreases the set frequency.

Turning the adjustment wheel to the right increases the set frequency.

Quick Setting: Decrease the crossover frequency all the way down. With the system playing, increase the crossover frequency up slowly until the desired crossover point is achieved.


Clip Indicators

The MB Quart Q Series amplifiers offer a unique approach to setting the input sensitivity. There is no need for digital multi-meters, oscilloscopes, distortion analyzers or any other

expensive pieces of equipment to set the input sensitivity of these amplifiers. The only thing required is a test disc which contains 0 dB sine waves (45Hz and 1kHz). The on-

board clip detection circuitry eliminates the need for complex measurement devices. Since the MB Quart Q Series amplifiers have a fully regulated power supply, the clip level of the amplifier is the same with or without a load connected. This allows for system setup without damaging your speakers or your hearing.

Gain Setup

NOTE: For maximum dynamic range and best signal to noise please read the following procedure carefully, and if you do not understand the procedure, contact the technical support department for assistance

Turning the adjustment wheel to the left decreases the set gain.

Turning the adjustment wheel to the right increases the set gain.

The loudest possible level on a CD recording is referred to as 0dB. Any level lower in output, is referred to as –XdB.

The following procedure suggests using a CD with this (0dB) maximum level recorded on it, as well as alternate lower output levels. When the setup is done as described below, using the maximum CD level will result in lower average volume from the system, while using the lowest suggested level may result in excessive distortion, and noise.

NOTE: Many users prefer some additional gain overlap in the system, to allow a higher “average” volume level because of the amount of crest factor found in commercial recordings. In this case, begin with a 0dB signal level, and if you find the average volume not adequate and you are willing to sacrifice some dynamic range and signal to noise performance for increased levels, try repeating the following procedure, and substitute the 0dB test tones with –10dB or –15dB tones instead of the 0dB tracks.

We suggest using a specifically designed CD for this set-up, such as CD-104 from Autosound 2000.

The lower the level of the tone on the disc, the “louder” the average volume of the system will be, keeping in mind that dynamic range and signal to noise performance is decreased as average volume is increased.


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Contents Page Introduction Table of ContentsGetting Started Safety InstructionsContents of Carton Controls Design FeaturesProtection Circuits ConnectionsExhaust Fan InstallationInstallation Considerations Mounting LocationsTrunk Mounting Battery and ChargingWiring the System Do not install the fuse at this time Power Connection Input Level Sensitivity Speaker outputs are wired in parallel internallyOperation SET-UP FeaturesAdjustments A.D. Realtime Electronic Amplifier DisplayGain Setup Multiplier SwitchFrequency Adjustment Wheel Clip IndicatorsNo Sound Coming From Amplifier TroubleshootingSolution Amplifier Does Not Turn OnThere is a short in the system Speaker Pop When Amplifier Turns OnTHERMAL! and temperature Shows in Read Display Excessive Engine NoiseMODEL- Q-Series SpecificationsSpecifications subject to change without notice How to Obtain Service Length of WarrantyWhat is Covered What is Not CoveredTable DES Matières Cher clientConsignes DE Sécurité Avant DE CommencerParticularités Techniques CommandesCircuits DE Protection ConnexionsVentilateur Emplacements DE MontageConsidérations Concernant Linstallation Plaques dextrémitéMontage dans lhabitacle passager Batterie ET ChargeCâblage DU Système Montage dans le coffreConnexion Dalimentation Sensibilité DU Niveau Dentrée Fonctionnement Fonctions DE RéglageA.D. écran électronique dampli à affichage en temps réel RéglagesRéglage du gain Commutateur de multiplicationMolette de réglage de fréquence Indicateurs de crêteCause possible Lampli ne sallume pasAucun son en provenance de lampli Dépannage« THERMAL! avec la température » saffiche sur lécran Read Le haut-parleur « claque » lorsque lampli est alluméBruit de moteur excessif « Warning Amp is in Protection » saffiche sur lécran ReadModèle Série Q CaractéristiquesLes spécifications sont sujettes à changements sans préavis Qui est couvert? Pour lobtention de serviceDurée de la garantie CouvertureFuncionamiento IntroducciónEstimado cliente Índice DE MateriasEnchufes de conexión para altavoces InicioInstrucciones DE Seguridad Características DEL Diseño ControlesCircuitos DE Protección ConexionesConsideraciones Para LA Instalación Lugares DE MontajeEscape InstalaciónInstalación en la cabina de pasajeros Batería Y CargaCableado DEL Sistema Instalación en el maleteroConexión de alimentación Sensibilidad DEL Nivel DE Entrada Impedancia DE Carga Características DE ConfiguraciónAjustes FuncionamientoRueda de ajuste de frecuencias Configuración de la gananciaGanancia Interruptor multiplicadorCausa posible Solución Solución DE ProblemasNo se enciende el amplificador No salen sonidos del amplificadorCausa posible Demasiado ruido del motorEn la pantalla Read se visualiza THERMAL! y la temperatura MODELO- Q-Serie EspecificacionesLo que no está cubierto Duración de la garantíaQué está cubierto Quién está cubiertoBetrieb EinleitungLiebe Kundin, lieber Kunde InhaltsverzeichnisInhalt DES Kartons Hier GEHT’S LOSSicherheitshinweise Gerätefunktionen BedienelementeSchutzschaltungen AnschlüsseEinbauüberlegungen BefestigungsstellenEndplatten EinbauBefestigung im Fahrgastraum Batterie UND LadenVerkabelung DES Systems Befestigung im KofferraumStrom Anschluss Intern parallel verkabelt EingangspegelempfindlichkeitBetrieb AufbaufunktionenA.D. elektronische Echtzeitverstärkeranzeige EinstellungenBegrenzeranzeigen LautstärkeMultiplikationsschalter FrequenzeinstellradMögliche Ursache Der Verstärker lässt sich nicht einschaltenDer Verstärker gibt keinen Klang ab FehlerbehebungLautsprecher „knallt bei Einschalten des Verstärkers „ THERMAL! and temperature erscheint auf der READ-AnzeigeModell Q-Serie Technische DatenTechnische Daten können sich ohne Vorankündigung ändern Was nicht gedeckt ist Laufzeit der GarantieWas gedeckt ist Wer ist gedecktFunzionamento IntroduzioneGentile cliente IndiceContenuto Della Confezione PER IniziareCaratteristiche DEL Design ControlliCircuiti DI Protezione CollegamentiPiastre laterali InstallazioneConsiderazioni Sullinstallazione Posizioni DI MontaggioMontaggio nel vano passeggeri Batteria E CaricaCablaggio DEL Sistema Montaggio nel portabagagliCollegamento alimentazione Sensitività Livello Dingresso Impedenza DI Carico Funzionalità ImpostazioneRegolazione FunzionamentoManopola di regolazione della frequenza Indicatori di clippingGuadagno Interruttore moltiplicatoreCausa possibile Risoluzione DEI ProblemiNessun suono proveniente dallamplificatore Lamplificatore non si accendeRumore eccessivo dal motore Allaccensione lamplificatore emette uno scoppiettioIl display Read indica THERMAL! e la temperatura Modello Q-Series Dati TecniciElementi esclusi dalla garanzia Durata della garanziaElementi coperti dalla garanzia Chi viene offerta la garanziaУважаемый потребитель СскийПовреждению аппаратуры Омендуем прочитать Ение такими инструкциями ведет к серьезной травме илиПризван предупредить Ение такими инструкциями может привести к травме или кТра Органы УправленияОмендуется оставить переключатель Оставлять воздушный зазор не менее ТделениеСкные АУЯ Ом салонеНужно всегда убедиться в том, что электропитание ЭлектропитанияСский Руководстве Азделительный фильтр X-OverОлесо частот Усилитель не включается Жная причинаСилителя в громкоговорителе раздается щелчок Явилось сообщение THERMAL! and temperatureQAA1000 E r i e sЯщее изделие соответствует текущим требованиям ого Условиях Усилители серии Q 1 годОторого приобретено это Сский Сский 03/04 B.M MAN-5614-A