Parkside PDS 200A manual Safety advice / Before use / Preparing for first use, Assembly

Page 8

Safety advice / Before use / Preparing for first use

when you are not using the device, always pull the mains plug out of the mains socket.

JHandle the device carefully and treat it with re- spect. Always keep the device clean, dry and free of oil or grease.

JRemain alert at all times! Always watch what you are doing and proceed with caution. Do not use the device if you cannot concentrate or you are feeling unwell.

Have you understood everything?

JOnce you have made yourself familiar with the instructions and advice, the functioning and handling of your device, you are finally in a position to start work. Observing the manufac- turer‘s instructions and advice will maximise your safety while working with the device.

Before use


jBefore using the device for the first time make sure that you have fitted all its parts.

1)Attach the two eye guard mounts 2 to the in- side of the wheel guard covers 7 , one each on the left and right sides. Use the illustrated fixings in the arrangement shown (see Figs. G, H).

2)Attach the eye guards 3 to the eye guard mounts 2 , one each on the left and right sides. Use the illustrated fixings in the arrange- ment shown (see Figs. I, K).

Note: The illustrations show the left side.

3)Attach the two workpiece/tool rests 5 to the

inside of the wheel guard covers 7 , one each on the left and right sides. Use the illustrated fixings in the arrangement shown (see Figs. L, M). Note: The illustrations show the left side.

jMount the double grinding machine on a firm, level surface, if at all possible on a fixed sup- port, e.g. working surface, workbench. Use the four mounting holes 8 and suitable fixings (not supplied). Refer to Figure C.


Positioning the workpiece / tool rests and eye guard mounts

To ensure safe working, the workpiece/tool rests 5 , the eye guards 3 and the eye guard mounts 2 must be correctly positioned.

jCheck and correct the settings at frequent inter- vals to ensure even wear on the grinding wheels 4 .

Adjusting the workpiece/tool rests

1)To adjust the setting, first loosen the adjuster screw 6 .

2)Bring the workpiece/tool rest close up to the grinding wheel 4 , the distance between the grinding wheel 4 and the workpiece/tool rest

(5) must be no more than 2 mm.

3)Retighten the adjuster screw 6 and check us- ing your hand that the grinding wheel 4 movement is true and free.

Adjusting the eye guard mounts

1)To adjust the setting, first loosen the fastening screw 14 .

2)Bring the eye guard mount 2 close up to the grinding wheel 4 , the distance between the grinding wheel 4 and the eye guard mount 2 must be no more than 2 mm.

3)Retighten the fastening screw 14 and check us- ing your hand that the grinding wheel 4 movement is true and free. A worn out grinding wheel 4 needs to be replaced. This is neces- sary when the specified gap cannot be achieved even after readjusting the positions of the workpiece/tool rest 5 and/or the eye guard mount 2 .

Preparing for first use

Switching on and off

The voltage must agree with that shown on the de- vice rating plate (devices shown as 230 V can also be connected to a 220 V supply).

Image 8
Contents Bedienungs- und Sicherheitshinweise Seite Operation and Safety NotesKezelési és biztonsági utalások Page Table of contents Features and equipment IntroductionDouble grinding machine PDS 200 a Proper use Introduction / Safety advice Workplace safety Electrical safety Included itemsSafety advice Personal safetyCareful handling and use of electrical power tools ShockSafety advice relating to this specific device Do not use damaged grinding wheelsSafety advice / Before use / Preparing for first use AssemblySwitching on and off Have you understood everything?Preparing for first use / Maintenance and cleaning Original accessories / attachmentsMaintenance and cleaning Grinding a workpieceMaintenance and cleaning / Disposal / Information Service centreDisposal Declaration of Conformity / ManufacturerSpis treści Wstęp WyposażenieUżycie zgodne z przeznaczeniem Szlifowanie i ostrzenie narzędzi do metaliWstęp / Wskazówki bezpieczeństwa Zakres dostawyDane techniczne Bezpieczeństwo stanowiska pracyStaranne obchodzenie się i użycie elektronarzędzi Wskazówki bezpieczeństwaBezpieczeństwo osób Ostrzeżenie! 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Před uvedením do provozu / Uvedení do provozu MontážNastavení opěry obrobku a ochranného držáku Zapínání a vypínáníVýměna brusného kotouče Originální příslušenství / přídavné přístrojeÚdržba a čistění ZlikvidováníInformace Prohlášení o shodnosti / výrobceZoznam obsahu Bezpečnostné pokynyPred uvedením do prevádzky Uvedenie do prevádzkyPoužitie zodpovedajúce určeniu Dvojitá brúska PDS 200 aVybavenie Elektrická bezpečnosť Úvod / Bezpečnostné pokynyBezpečnosť na pracovisku Bezpečnostné pokyny Bezpečnosť osôbBezpečnostné pokyny špecifické pre prístroj Manipulujte s prístrojom pozorne a starostlivoRozumeli ste všetkým pokynom? 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Giftige Dämpfe Minuten sollte nicht überschritten werdenSicherheitshinweise / Vor der Inbetriebnahme Alles verstanden?Montage Werkstückauflage und Schutzhalter einstellenVor der Inbetriebnahme / Inbetriebnahme Ein- und ausschaltenWerkstücke bearbeiten Schleifscheibe auswechselnService Originalzubehör / -zusatzgeräteWartung und Reinigung EntsorgungInformationen Konformitätserklärung /  Hersteller