| |
| Package Discharge Temp |
| 1 0 0 |
| ||
| 103°F |
| |
| P S I |
| |||||
| |
| Running Loaded |
| Airend Discharge Temp |
| |
| Mode: MOD/ACS |
| 193°F |
| |
The display screen is divided into three functional areas, as seen in the typical CURRENT STATUS screen shown here.
The left side continuously shows the package discharge pressure in large numbers, with the line directly below the numbers showing the running condition of the machine, and the line below that showing the present mode of operation.
The right side shows various items or lists such as the machine’s CURRENT STATUS readings, the MAIN MENU, the OPERATOR SETPOINTS list, etc. Any of the lists can be moved up or down by pressing the arrow buttons to the right of the screen. The small arrow(s) displayed in the upper right corner of the screen indicate when you can move up (designated by
arrow head pointing up) and/or down (designated by arrow head pointing down) through a list. The arrow buttons are also used to change an individual item’s value. At certain times, items and/or their values are “highlighted”. This means they are displayed as light characters on a dark background.
The bottom of the screen is divided into thirds with the words in each small box showing the function of the button directly beneath it. The words will change in these boxes depending on what actions are permitted at any particular time. The action resulting from pressing each of these buttons is indicated in Figure 3.2.1, which can be used as a quick reference of how to step the controller screen through any desired function.
| |
| |
| Package Discharge Temp |
| 1 0 0 |
| |
| 103°F |
| |
| P S I |
| |||||
| |
| Running Loaded |
| Airend Discharge Temp |
| |
| Mode: MOD/ACS |
| 193°F |
| |
The CURRENT STATUS screen is considered the “normal” display that the controller shows.
The following items and their present values can be displayed on the right side of the screen by pressing the up and down arrow buttons.
Discharge Temperature | Inlet Vacuum |
Airend Discharge Temperature | Inlet Filter |
Injected Temperature | Total Hours |
Sump Pressure | Loaded Hours |
Separator Pressure Drop | % Load Modulation |
| Unloaded Inlet Vacuum |
| Coolant Pressure |
| Time & Date |
Coolant Filter | Software Title |
| and Version |
The controller automatically returns the display to this CURRENT STATUS screen from other screens if no buttons are pressed within 30 seconds.
The MAIN MENU screen can be accessed from the CURRENT STATUS screen by pressing the MAIN MENU button, identified by the words “MAIN MENU” in the bottom line of the screen directly above the center button.