Bosch Appliances LTC 9441, LTC 9420 Operation, Feed –throughWiring, Standard Wiring, Notes

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345° Pre-Position Models5,6


345° Pre-Position Models5,6


Feed –through Wiring


Standard Wiring

Pin Number


Pin Number


1: PP Supply (+)


1: PP Supply (+)


2: Pan Position


2: Pan Position


3: PP Return (-)


3: PP Return (-)


4: Tilt Position


4: Tilt Position


5: Lens Common


5: NC1


6: Zoom


6: NC1


7: Focus


7: NC1


8: Zoom Position


8: NC1


9: Focus Position


9: NC1




















13: NC1


13: NC1


14: NC1


14: NC1


15: NC1


15: NC1


16: Pan Left


16: Pan Left


17: NC1


17: NC1


18: Pan Right


18: Pan Right


19: P/T Common


19: P/T Common


20: Tilt Up


20: Tilt Up


21: Tilt Down


21: Tilt Down


22: Ground


22: Ground


23: Camera AC-Line


23: NC1


24: Camera AC-Neutral


24: NC1



1.NC -- No Connection, do not use.

2.(Color Codes) indicate feed-thru wiring to camera/housing.

3.Apply to 24 volt models only. Pins 10 thru 12 are not used in 110 volt or 220 volt models.

4.(Color Codes) shown are for 24 volt and 110 volt models. For 220 volt models, color codes are (23) Brown, and (24) Blue.

5.The conductors for pins 16 thru 24 (where applicable) on 220 volt models should be isolated from other wiring with reinforced insulation requirements of DIN VDE 0860/05.89, IEC 65. The conductors for pins 16 thru 24 (where applicable) must be

in HAR cord minimum cross sectional area 0.75 mm2 (H05 VV-F).

6.Refer to Figure 6 under Wiring Diagrams for the wiring schematic.

7.Refer to Figure 7 under Wiring Diagrams for the wiring schematic.

8.Pre-Position models only. Refer to Figure 8 for the wiring schematic.

3.8Pan Stops (345° Models)

Locate the three (3) limit stops on the base of the unit. The red limit stop is the Fixed Stop. It is not adjustable and should not be removed. The remaining two (2) stops are called the Pan Stops. These are positioned on each side of the pan switch lever.

The two (2) pan stops are adjustable and secured with a set screw. The screws can be accessed through the hole in the end of each stop. Use a 3/32-inch Allen wrench (supplied) to loosen and tighten the set screw. See Figure 3.

Top View Of Base








Fixed Stop (Red)


Figure 3: Pan Stop Locations (345º Models)


4.1Manual Pan Operation (345° Models)

The pan stops establish the limits for manual pan. The two

(2)adjustable pan stops may be repositioned or removed depending on the desired operation. The maximum pan range setup is shown in Figure 4.

Caution: Never move or remove the fixed stop. It must always be in place for proper operation of the pan function.

4.2Auto-Pan Operation (345º Models)

Use of the auto-pan function requires wiring connections to pin 16 (Pan Left), pin 18 (Pan Right), and pin 19 (Common). See Figure 6. The auto-pan function is achieved by the controller unit sensing changes in current flow through the pan motor. When a pan stop is reached, the current flow stops and internal circuitry of the controller unit reverses the auto-pan direction.

Note: The pan/tilt controller must be equipped with special current sensing circuitry to operate the auto-pan function in this mode. The pan stops or the fixed stop establish the limits for auto-pan.


Image 7
Contents LTC 9440& LTC 9441 Series LTC 9418 & LTC 9420 SeriesIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS FOR RACK-MOUNTPRODUCT SAFETY PRECAUTIONSFOR INDOOR PRODUCT FOR OUTDOOR PRODUCTService Centers TABLE OF CONTENTS2 SERVICE 3 INSTALLATIONCaution: Do Not Exceed 30 VAC Input on Color Figure 2: Pin OutsPin Number Pin NumberNotes 4 OPERATIONFeed –throughWiring Standard WiringAuto-Pan345º Models 4.3Pan Stop Adjustment 345 Models4.5Tilt Stop Adjustment All Models Figure 4: Maximum Manual Pan and MaximumFigure 6: Wiring Diagram - 0º to 345º Models 5 WIRING DIAGRAMSFigure 7: Wiring Diagram - 360º Models Control Figure 8: Wiring Diagram - 360º ModelsFeed-thru24 Volt Models 7 DIMENSIONAL OUTLINE6 RECOMMENDED APPLICATIONS 360 Models OnlyCONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORTANTES MODÈLE DESTINÉ AU MONTAGE EN BÂTI MESURES DE SÉCURITÉMODÈLE DESTINÉ AUX APPLICATIONS DINTÉRIEUR MODÈLE DESTINÉ AUX APPLICATIONS DEXTÉRIEURCentres de réparation TABLE DES MATIÈRES1 DÉBALLAGE 2 RÉPARATIONàcâblage coupe-fil Broche BrocheCouleurBroche Couleurhorizontal modèles 345º 4 FONCTIONNEMENTFigure 3 - Emplacement des butées de balayage 3.8Butées de balayage horizontal modèlesFigure 4 - Plage maximale de balayage horizontal Figure 6 - Schéma de câblage : modèles 0 à 345º 5 SCHÉMAS DE CÂBLAGEFigure 7 - Schéma de câblage modèles 360º Control Figure 8 - Schéma de câblage : modèles 360ºFigure 6 APPLICATIONS RECOMMANDÉES8 SCHÉMAS DIMENSIONNELS Modèles 360 uniquementPage WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSMASSNAHMEN GERÄTE FÜR DIE RACK-MONTAGE SICHERHEITSVORKEHRUNGENGERÄTE FÜR DEN INNENEINSATZ GERÄTE FÜR DEN AUSSENEINSATZKundendienstzentralen INHALTSVERZEICHNIS1 AUSPACKEN 2 WARTUNG3.2Empfohlene Montageausrüstung Position5,6 Abbildung 2: Pin-Ausgänge345 Modelle ohne voreingestellte 345 Modelle ohne voreingestellte4 BETRIEB Abbildung 5: Neigungsanschläge Abbildung 4: Maximaler manueller undautomatischer Schwenkbereich 345º Modelle 4.4Schwenkbetrieb 360 ModelleAbbildung 6 Schaltplan - 0º bis 345º Modelle 5 SCHALTPLÄNEAbbildung 7: Schaltplan - 360º Modelle Control Abbildung 8 Schaltplan - 360º Modelle24 V Durchführungsmodelle 6 EMPFOHLENE ANWENDUNGEN9 ABMESSUNGEN Nur 360 ModellePage MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES PARA PRODUCTOS DE MONTAJE EN SOPORTE PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDADPARA PRODUCTOS INSTALADOS EN EL INTERIOR PARA PRODUCTOS INSTALADOS EN EL EXTERIOR3 INSTALACIÓN ÍNDICE1 DESEMBALAJE 2 REPARACIÓN24 VCA en modelos de alimentación directa prefijada5,6 Figura 2 salidas de patillasModelos de 345 sin posición Modelos de 345 sin posición4 FUNCIONAMIENTO 4.4Funcionamiento de la panorámica modelos de Figura 4: panorámica manual máxima ypanorámica automática máxima modelos de 345º 4.3Ajuste del tope de panorámica modelos de5 DIAGRAMAS DE CABLEADO Figura 7: diagrama de cableado - modelos de 360º Control Figura 8: diagrama de cableado - modelos de 360ºFigura 10 ESQUEMA DIMENSIONAL6 APLICACIONES RECOMENDADAS Modelos de 360 solamentePage BELANGRIJKE VOORZORGSMAATREGELEN VOOR PRODUCTEN DIE IN EEN REK WORDEN GEMONTEERD VEILIGHEIDSMAATREGELENVOOR PRODUCTEN DIE BINNENSHUIS WORDEN GEBRUIKT VOOR PRODUCTEN DIE BUITENSHUIS WORDEN GEBRUIKT2 SERVICE 3 INSTALLATIEINHOUDSOPGAVE 1 UITPAKKEN3.2Aanbevolen montageapparatuur Standaardbedrading Afbeelding 2: pin-outs345-modellenzonder 345-modellenzonder345-modellenmet 4 BEDIENING345-modellenmet Doorvoerbedrading4.3Instelling zwenkstops 345-modellen Afbeelding 4: maximaal handmatig enautomatisch zwenkbereik Automatische zwenkfunctie 345-modellenAfbeelding 6: aansluitschema - 0 tot 345-modellen 5 AANSLUITSCHEMA’SAfbeelding 7: aansluitschema - 360-modellen Control Afbeelding 8: aansluitschema - 360-modellenDoorvoer modellen van 24 volt 6 AANBEVOLEN TOEPASSINGEN11 MAATTEKENINGEN Alleen voor 360-modellenPage 7.Danni che richiedono un intervento tecnico PRECAUZIONI IMPORTANTIPER MONTAGGIO IN RACK NORME DI SICUREZZAPER INTERNO PER ESTERNO2 ASSISTENZA 3 INSTALLAZIONEINDICE 1 DISIMBALLAGGIO24 V CA approvati cUL Numero pin PIEDINATURA DEL CONNETTORENumero pin Numero pinModelli a 345º 4 FUNZIONAMENTO3.8Finecorsa panoramica Modelli Figura 3: ubicazione finecorsa panoramica4.4Funzionamento panoramica Modelli a Figura 4 panoramica massima automatica/manualeModelli a 345º 4.3Regolazione finecorsa panoramica Modelli aFigura 6 schema elettrico - Modelli 0º - 345º 5 SCHEMI ELETTRICIFigura 7: schema elettrico - Modelli 360º Control Figura 8: schema elettrico - Modelli 360ºFigura 12 DISEGNO E DIMENSIONI6 APPLICAZIONI CONSIGLIATE Solo modelliPage MEDIDAS DE SEGURANÇA IMPORTANTES PARA PRODUTOS DE MONTAGEM EM PRATELEIRA PRECAUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇAPARA PRODUTOS DE INTERIOR PARA PRODUTOS DE EXTERIORCentros de Assistência 1 DESEMBALAR2 ASSISTÊNCIA 3 INSTALAÇÃO3.2Equipamento de Montagem Recomendado Figura 2: Saída de Pinos Figura 1: Montagem da Protecção/Grampo de CaboDESIGNAÇÃO DOS FIOS E LIGAÇÕES DE PINOS Modelos 345 Sem Pré-posição5,6 Fios Directos4 FUNCIONAMENTO Figura 4: Rotação Horizontal Manual 5 DIAGRAMAS DAS LIGAÇÕES DE FIOS Page Control Modelos de 24 Volts Directos 6 APLICAÇÕES RECOMENDADAS13 ESQUEMA DAS DIMENSÕES Apenas nos modelos de 360ºPage INFORMACJE WAŻNE DLA BEZPIECZEŃSTWA DOTYCZY PRODUKTU INSTALOWANEGO W STELAŻU ŚRODKI BEZPIECZEŃSTWADOTYCZY PRODUKTU UŻYWANEGO WEWNĄTRZ BUDYNKU DOTYCZY PRODUKTU UŻYWANEGO NA ZEWNĄTRZ BUDYNKU3INSTALACJA SPIS TREŚCI1ROZPAKOWYWANIE 2SERWIS3.2Zalecany osprzęt montażowy Numer styku Numer stykuKolor Numer styku4OBSŁUGA 4.4Obracanie modele Rysunek 4: Maksymalny zasięg obracania ręcznegoi automatycznego modele 345º 4.3Regulacja ograniczników obrotu modeleRysunek 6: Schemat okablowania — modele 0º–345º 5SCHEMATY OKABLOWANIARysunek 7: Schemat okablowania — modele 360º Control Rysunek 8: Schemat okablowania — modele 360ºModele 24 V przepustowe 6ZALECANE ZASTOSOWANIA14 RYSUNEK WYMIAROWY Tylko modeleBosch Security Systems, Inc