Test 2-6: AC Flatness - 10 MHz Filter
The purpose of this test is to verify that the AFG mee ts it s spe cifications for
AC flatness with the 10 MHz filter enabled.
Equipment Setup
Connect equipment as shown in Figure 2-6
Set DMM to ACV, autorange
Test Procedure
1. Reset the AFG:
*RST;*CLS Reset AFG and clear
status registers
2. Set up the AFG to output a 24 dBm sinewave with the 10 MHz filt er
VOLT 24DBM; Set amplitude
:OUTP:LOAD 50 50 ohm load
OUTP:FILT:FREQ 10MHZ 10 MHz filter
OUTP:FILT ON Enable filter
INIT:IMM Initiate wave form
3. Set AFG output to the reference frequency (1 kHz):
FREQ 1000 Set frequency
4. Measure the amplitude with the DMM, convert the reading to dBm,
and note the reading for future referen ce:
Reference Level (dBm) = 20 × log ïReading (volts)ï+13.0103
5. Set the AFG to the crossover frequency (lowest frequency that the
Power Meter can measure):
FREQ 1E5 Set frequency
6. Measure the amplitude with the DMM and note the reading for future

52 Verification Te sts Agilent E1445A Serv ice Manual