AC Flatness Adjustment Procedure - 250 kHz Filter
This procedure adjusts the AC calibratio n co nsta nts for the 250 kHz filter.
The AC Flatness Test for the 250 kHz filter (see Chapte r 2) is pe rf or me d
with AC correc t i o ns disabled. The results are used to calculate ne w
calibration constants, which are then transferred to non-volatile memory.

Preliminary Procedure

Perform a complete autocalibration on the DMM (unl es s an
autocal has been performed within the last 24 ho urs) .
Determine the calibration constants by performing Te st 2-5 ( se e
Chapter 2), with the following modification: After resetting the
AFG (step 1), turn off AC corrections using the CAL:STAT:AC
OFF command.
Adjustment Procedure
1. Disable calibration security on the AFG:
CAL:SEC:STAT OFF, <security code> Cal security off
where <code> is the AFG’s security code (fa ctory-set to "E1445A").
2. Verify that the calibration constants determined in the Preliminary
Procedure are acceptable (see SUB Valid_cons in the example
3. Transfer the calibration co nstants to the AFG in arbitrary block data
CAL:DATA:AC1 <data > Transfer cal constants
NOTE See SUB Adj_flat in the example program to see how step 3 is performe d in
Agilent BASIC.
Example Program
An example program that performs the AC flatness adjustment proc ed ures
for both filters is listed following the AC flat ne ss a djustment procedure for
the 10 MHz filter.

Agilent E1445A Service Manual Adjustments 93