Test 2-3: DC Offset (cont’d)
Example Program (cont’d)
440 FOR I=1 TO 6
450 IF I<=4 THEN
460 Vout=2.2919
470 ELSE
480 Vout=.40756
490 END IF
500 !
510 IF Vout<>Vout_old THEN
520 !Set offset to zero before changing amplitude
530 OUTPUT @Afg;":VOLT:OFFS 0;";
540 OUTPUT @Afg;":VOLT "&VAL$(Vout)&";";
550 END IF
560 !
570 OUTPUT @Afg;":VOLT:OFFS "&VAL$(Offset(I)) !Set offset
580 PRINT Vout,Offset(I)
590 !
600 DISP "Record DMM reading, then press ’Continue’"
620 DISP
630 Vout_old=Vout
640 NEXT I !Next attenuation
650 !
660 OUTPUT @Afg;"*RST;*CLS" !Reset AFG
670 END
680 !
690 SUB Def_seq_zeros
700 COM @Afg
710 OUTPUT @Afg;"LIST:SEGM:SEL ZEROS" !Segment name
720 OUTPUT @Afg;"LIST:SEGM:DEF 8" !Segment length
730 OUTPUT @Afg;"LIST:SEGM:VOLT 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0" !Voltage points
740 !
750 OUTPUT @Afg;"LIST:SSEQ:SEL DC_ZEROS" !Sequence name
760 OUTPUT @Afg;"LIST:SSEQ:DEF 1" !# of s egments
770 OUTPUT @Afg;"LIST:SSEQ:SEQ ZEROS" !Segment list
44 Verification Te sts Agilent E1445A Serv ice Manual