Serial Numbers
Replaceable Parts
Limitation Of Warranty
Exclusive Remedies
Printing History
Safety Symbols
Declaration of Conformity
E1445A Arbitrary Function Generator
Safety Considerations
General Information
Initial Inspection
Inspection Shipping
Sales and Support Office or Service Center
Environment Temperature Humidity
Recommended Test Equipment Instrument Requirements Use Model
Recommended Test Equipment
General Information
Verification Tests
Functional Verification
Example programs, these commands would appear as follows
Execute the AFG self-test
Remove any connections to the AFG front panel Reset the AFG
Functional Verification Self-Test
Verify that the scope shows a 10 MHz squarewave
Set up equipment as shown in Figure
Functional Verification Ref In/Marker Out Test
Functional Verification Start Arm In Test
Start Arm In Test Setup
Verify that a 1 MHz sinewave appears on the scope
Functional Verification Start Arm In Test cont’d
Functional Verification Gate In Test
Set up the equipment as shown in Figure
Functional Verification Gate In Test cont’d
Verify that no signal appears on the scope
Set up the AFG to output a 1 MHz sinewave
Functional Verification Output Relay Test
Purpose of this test is to check the output relay
On next
Functional Verification
10! RE-STORE Functest
Clear Screen
Clear Screen Print SELF-TEST
Print Start ARM Test
Clear Screen Print REF IN/MARKER OUT Test
Print Gate in Test
Print Output Relay Test
Test # Test Name
Operation Verification
Performance Verification
Delete all sequences and segments from memory
Test 2-1 DC Zeros
Test 2-1 DC Zeros cont’d
Set up the AFG to output the waveform defined above
Create a user-defined waveform made up of zeros
Set the AFG output amplitude
Test 2-1 DC Zeros cont’d
Pause Clear Screen
END Select
Test 2-2 DC Accuracy
Set up the AFG to output a DC signal
This program performs the DC Accuracy test
Test 2-2 DC Accuracy cont’d
DC Accuracy Test Points Amplitude Filter Test Limits Volts
10! RE-STORE Dclevels
Test 2-3 DC Offset
DC Offset Test Points Amplitude Test Limits Volts
Test 2-3 DC Offset cont’d
If necessary, change the AFG output amplitude
Print AMPLITUDE, Offset
This program performs the DC Offset Test
10! RE-STORE Dcoffset
Disp Voutold=Vout
Test 2-4 AC Accuracy
Set up the AFG to output a 1 kHz sinewave
Test 2-4 AC Accuracy cont’d
10! RE-STORE Aclevels
This program performs the AC Accuracy Test
For I=1 to Select FilterI
Test 2-5 AC Flatness 250 kHz Filter
Equipment Setup for Test 2-5 and Test
Set the AFG output
Set the AFG output to the reference frequency 1 kHz
Frequency Test Limits DB error
Error relative to 1 kHz
Set AFG output to the reference frequency 1 kHz
Test 2-6 AC Flatness 10 MHz Filter
Connect the equipment as shown in Figure
Set up the Power Meter
Test 2-6 AC Flatness 10 MHz Filter cont’d
Test 2-6 AC Flatness 10 MHz Filter cont’d
Frequency Test Limits ±dB error
Abort the waveform if it has been previously initiated
Test 2-7 Frequency Accuracy
Set marker source to Rosc or TRIG, as specified in Table
Test 2-7 Frequency Accuracy cont’d
10! RE-STORE Oscfreq
Add aging rate of ±20 ppm/year
This program performs the Frequency Accuracy Test
Rosc = INT1
Rosc = INT2
END if
Set the AFG to output a square wave
Test 2-8 Duty Cycle
Set the AFG frequency range as specified in Table
Test 2-8 Duty Cycle cont’d
Set AFG output frequency
Duty Cycle Test Points Frequency Test Limits Range Sec
This program performs the Duty Cycle Test
10! RE-STORE Dutycycle
410 !Take readings here Print Output Frequency =FreqI Hz
Test 2-9 Total Harmonic Distortion
10. Equipment Setup for Test 2-9 and Test
Test 2-9 Total Harmonic Distortion cont’d
10 ! RE-STORE Sinethd
This program performs the Total Harmonic Distortion Test
THD Test Points
Output @AfgVOLT &Dbmout$ Set AFG output
Print Fundamental
Return Subend
Test 2-10 Spurious/Non-Harmonic Distortion
Description Equipment Setup
Test 2-10 Spurious/Non-Harmonic Distortion cont’d
10 ! RE-STORE Nonharm
This program performs the Spurious/Non-harmonic Test
400 !---------- Perform test For I=1 to
Performance Test Test Equipment
Performance Test Record
Test Accuracy Ratio TAR
11. Performance Test Record for the Agilent E1445A Page 1
11. Performance Test Record for the Agilent E1445A Page 2
11. Performance Test Record for the Agilent E1445A Page 3
11. Performance Test Record for the Agilent E1445A Page 4
11. Performance Test Record for the Agilent E1445A Page 5
11. Performance Test Record for the Agilent E1445A Page 6
11. Performance Test Record for the Agilent E1445A Page 7
Verification Tests
Required Equipment Recommended Environment
Calibration Commands
CALibrationSECureSTATe mode,code enables
Calibration Commands cont’d
Determine the AFG’s firmware revision
Disabling Calibration Security Shown in secured position
Defeating Calibration Security
DC Adjustment Setup
DC Adjustment Procedure
AFG will return a 1 when ready
DC Adjustment Procedure cont’d
Enable calibration on the AFG
DC Calibration Points DMM Settings Changes only
DMM Range Setting for Cal Points 41 Absolute Value DC Offset
10 ! RE-STORE Dcadjust
Case =1
Case Else
Disable calibration security on the AFG
AC Flatness Adjustment Procedure 250 kHz Filter
AC Flatness Adjustment Procedure 10 MHz Filter
Adjustment Procedure cont’d
AC Flatness Adjustment Procedure 10 MHz Filter cont’d
250 !RESET Instruments
AC Flatness Adjustment Procedure cont’d
10! RE-STORE Acflat
320 !CLOSE I/O Paths
470 480 !---------- Initialize variables
Printer is CRT
Print Pass Parameter not Dimensioned Large Enough
SET CAL Constant Scale Factors
Data 7E6
Check for Valid CAL
Print Turnover DAC OUT of Range
Print Gain DAC OUT of Range
SUB SysterrAddress
SUB Securitycode
Skew DAC Adjustment Setup
Skew DAC Adjustment Procedure
Set up the AFG to output an 11 dBm, 4 MHz sinewave
Skew DAC Adjustment Procedure cont’d
Load an initial value of 128 into the delay DAC
Enable calibration security on the AFG
10 ! RE-STORE Skewcal
Print Print CONSTANT, Reading
Set variables for next loop
Check firmware rev
Meas2ndharmSUB Meas2ndharmReading
Exchange Assemblies
Replaceable Parts List
Mechanical Parts
Agilent E1445A Replaceable Parts
Agilent E1445A Reference Designators
Agilent E1445A Code List of Manufacturers
E1445A Replaceable Parts
Equipment Required
Agilent E1445A Tests/Checks
Identifying Problem
Testing the Assembly
Checking for Heat Damage
Removing BNC Connectors
Repair Maintenance Guidelines