2 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Operation
FREQuency:STARt {<frequency>}
FREQuency:STOP {<frequency>}
Sweep Mode
You can sweep with either linear or logarithmic spacing. For a linear sweep, the U2761A varies the output frequency in a linear fashion during the sweep. For a logarithmic sweep, the U2761A varies the output frequency in a logarithmic fashion.
The sweep mode consists of Linear or Logarithmic. The default sweep mode is Linear.
Soft Front Panel Operation
On the Sweep Type panel as shown in Figure 2- 28, select
the Linear or Log
Remote Interface Operation
SWEep:SPACing {LINearLOGarithmic}
Sweep Time
The sweep time specifies the number of seconds required to sweep from the start frequency to the stop frequency. The number of discrete frequency points in the sweep is automatically calculated by the U2761A and is based on the sweep time you have selected. The range of the sweep time is 1 ms to 500 s. The default sweep time is 1 s.
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