Security Escort Technical Reference Manual 3.0 System Menus and Screens
EN 18
Database Record
Access the Transponder Database from the File Menu on the Main Menu bar. The following paragraphs describe the elements of the Find Transponder’s Database Record Screen.
This box contains the names of the transponders. Clicking the arrow to the right of this box displays a
The transponder names are assigned during
Created, Modified, Modify Oper
The system software automatically creates these three fields to the right of the Find Transponder’s Database Record Screen. They represent the date the transponder was first entered into the Transponder Database, the date of the last change of any entry for this transponder, and the identity of the operator who made the last change (determined from the password entered to make the change).
Transponder ID
This is a number assigned to the transponder at system
Zero is not allowed as a transponder address.
Comm Port Index
This indicates which central console communications port to use to communicate with this transponder. The Transponder Comm Port Setup Screen selects the specific physical port that this index refers.
Radio ID
This is the identification number for the radio interface unit, if the transponder communicates to the central console by a radio link. (This feature is currently not implemented.)
Isolate From All Other Transponders For Location
When checked, this transponder is isolated from all other transponders for location considerations. This is used when distant transponders sometimes hear an alarm and throw off the alarm location calculation. If this checkbox is checked, it indicates that this transponder is protecting an area that is independent of all other transponders in the system. When an alarm is reported and receivers on this transponder have the best reception, only the receivers on this transponder are considered for the location of this alarm. If another transponder has the best reception, then the receivers on this transponder are ignored for the location of this alarm.
Ignore Communications Failure
This checkbox allows communications failures to be ignored for this transponder. It is used during a new installation for transponders that are not yet fully on line. During system maintenance when a transponder is out of service for a while, it is used so that the communications failure messages do not flash on the screen and distract the operator. Checking this checkbox causes the system to ignore communication failure. Therefore, if communications fail with this transponder, the area this transponder protects is not protected and alarms from subscribers in that area are missed without the operator’s knowledge. This checkbox should not be checked in a live system.
Bosch Security Systems 6/12 38947D