Cabletron Systems 7000 manual If Type, Log/Trap, Polling Interval, Rising Threshold, Rising Action

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Alarm Configuration

IF Type

Displays each interfaceÕs type: FDDI, Ethernet, Token Ring, or ATM. Note that there is no type distinction between standard Ethernet and Fast Ethernet.


Displays the current status of the selected alarm type for each interface: Enabled or Disabled. Remember, this status refers only to the alarm type which is selected at the top of the window; each of the other two alarm types can have different states.


Indicates whether or not each alarm has been conÞgured to create a silent log of event occurrences and the alarms that triggered them, and whether or not each alarm has been conÞgured to issue a trap in response to a rising or falling alarm condition. Possible values are log, trap, log&trap, or none.

Polling Interval

Displays the amount of time, in seconds, over which the selected alarm variable will be sampled. At the end of the interval, the sample value will be compared to both the rising and falling thresholds (described below). You can set any interval from 1 to 65,535 seconds.

Rising Threshold

Displays the high threshold value set for the selected alarm variable. Values used to compare to the thresholds are relative, or delta values (the difference between the value counted at the end of the current interval and the value counted at the end of the previous interval); be sure to set your thresholds accordingly.

Rising Action

Indicates whether or not a rising alarm occurrence will initiate any actions in response to the alarm condition: Enable if bridging will be enabled at the selected interface in response to a rising alarm, Disable if bridging will be disabled at the selected interface in response to a rising alarm, and None if no actions have been conÞgured for the selected alarm. Note that the Action Þelds will be unavailable for devices conÞgured to operate in SecureFast switching mode.

Falling Threshold

Displays the low threshold value set for the selected alarm variable. Values used to compare to the thresholds are relative, or delta values (the difference between the value counted at the end of the current interval and the value counted at the end of the previous interval); be sure to set your thresholds accordingly.

Falling Action

Indicates whether or not a falling alarm occurrence will initiate any actions in response to the alarm condition: Enable if bridging will be enabled at the selected interface in response to a falling alarm, Disable if bridging will be disabled in response to a falling alarm, and None if no actions have been conÞgured for the selected alarm. Note that the Action Þelds will be unavailable for devices conÞgured to operate in SecureFast switching mode.

Basic Alarm Configuration


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Cabletron Systems 7000 manual If Type, Log/Trap, Polling Interval, Rising Threshold, Rising Action, Falling Threshold