Alarm Configuration
To conÞgure an alarm:
1.If you wish to modify an existing alarm or create a new alarm based on the
parameters of an existing one, be sure the alarm of interest is highlighted in
the Alarms Watch list, then click on at the top of the Alarms Watch portion of the RMON Advanced Alarm/Event List. The Create/Edit Alarms window, Figure
If you wish to create an entirely new alarm, it doesn’t matter which existing alarm (if any) is highlighted when you open the Create/Edit Alarms window; although the window will, by default, display the parameters of whichever alarm is currently selected, all parameters are editable and can be configured as desired.
Whether you are modifying an existing alarm or creating a new one is determined solely by the assignment of the Index number: if you assign a previously unused index number, a new alarm instance will be created; if you use an existing index number, its associated alarm will be modiÞed.
Figure 4-4. The RMON Create/Edit Alarms Window
2.In the Owner text box, enter some appropriate text designation for this alarm, if desired; you may want to use the network manager’s name or phone number, or the IP or MAC address of the management workstation, to identify the creator of the alarm. Since any workstation can access and change the alarms you are setting in your SmartSwitch 7000, some owner identification can prevent alarms from being altered or deleted accidentally. The default
Advanced Alarm Configuration |