Chapter 3: ROM Monitor Commands
3-16 CSMIM-T1 Hardware Installation Guide
The ipx –d command displays the current settings for all of the entries.
The command display looks like this:
3.2.9 lat_key
The lat_key command allows you to set the LAT key from the ROM
The command syntax is:
lat_key [–d]
The lat_key command display looks like this:
The lat_key –d command displays the current LAT key setting:
NOTE The lat_key command is optional and may be purchased
monitor:: ipx -d
IPX preferred load file server: "MARS"
IPX Frame type: “802.3”
IPX dump user name: "SUSANS"
IPX dump password: <SET>
IPX dump path name: "SYS:\user\susans\"
monitor:: lat_key
Enter LAT_KEY: [<uninitialized>]::
monitor:: lat_key -d
LAT_KEY: <uninitialized>