flow control 7-25 characters 7-39, 7-53, 7-54hardware 7-30

primary XON character 7-53secondary XON character 7-54serial port 7-30 XON/XOFF 7-39

flow control characters 7-53 flow control command 7-30 flow control enabling secondary

characters 7-15

flow control, modem port 7-16flow control, primary XOFF

character 7-53


guard time, escape code 7-45guard tone register 7-49 guard tone, disable 7-15 guard tone, set frequency 7-15


half-duplex and V.23 6-8 handshaking in V.34 6-7 hang up delay 7-44

hang up by command 6-5, 7-16 hardware configuration

during power-up 2-9 hardware flow control

bidirectional 7-31 Hayes AT command set 7-1help command 3-14


IC Notice vi

identification command 7-17 ignore DTR command 7-11 image command 3-14, 3-15

examples 3-14, 3-15 image -d command 3-16 image name default 3-6, 3-14 inactivity timer command 7-34

independent serial/modem port speeds 7-15

Industry Canada Certification Number vi

initial boot parameters setting addresses 3-3

installation instructions 2-1 Installing 2-5

Internet address setting 3-4 IP encapsulation setting 3-5ITU-T

V.21 6-2,7-51

V.22 6-2,7-48,7-51 V.22bis 6-2, 7-20, 7-48, 7-51 V.23 6-2, 7-14, 7-51

half duplex 7-51,7-52 V.23 half duplex 7-52 V.32 6-2

V.54 6-18, 7-34ITU-T/Bell command 7-3


Key AT command defaults 6-4


landside data connections 6-6

LAPM connection 7-18 reliable mode 7-26

LAPM and Bell 103 6-10 LAPM connections and V.23 6-8LAPM mode dial modifier 7-9 LAPM modes, set 7-25

last command, repeat 7-2

last number redial command 7-10lat -d command 3-16

lat_key command 3-16 line feed character 7-43 line probing in V.34 6-7 line quality 6-7

line turnaround timer 7-52

link negotiation dial modifier 7-7 link negotiation speed command 7-17

CSMIM-T1 Hardware Installation Guide


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Cabletron Systems CSMIM-T1 manual INDEX-5