Chapter 7 Configuring and Debugging Fax Services
Debugging the Cisco ATA 186/188 Fax Services
[ 136]<3.200=>2.53> Codec G711u/D
[ 137]<3.200=>2.53> NSE PT 100, EVT 192:
•Both sides initially use G.723.
•<3.200> switches to
•NSE signaling packets are sent from <3.200>.
•<2.53> switches to
Example 7-4 T38 Fax Relay Mode
FAX Summary 1 | ||
[ | 15]<2.53=>3.99> Codec G711u | |
[ | 486]<3.99=>2.53> Codec G711u | |
[ 1277]<3.99=>2.53> | Codec T38 | |
[ 1278]<2.53=>3.99> | Codec T38 |
•Both sides initially use
•Both sides switch to T.38
Example 7-5 Cisco Fax Relay
FAX Summary 1 | ||
[ | 8]<2.53=>3.99> | Codec G711u |
[ | 248]<3.99=>2.53> | Codec G711u |
[ | 798]<2.53=>3.99> | NSE PT 96, Cisco Fax Relay |
[ | 799]<3.99=>2.53> | NSE PT 97, EVT 192: |
[ | 800]<2.53=>3.99> | NSE PT 97, Cisco Fax Relay ACK |
[ | 801]<2.53=>3.99> | Codec C_FxRly |
[ | 803]<3.99=>2.53> | NSE PT 96, EVT 192: |
[ | 804]<2.53=>3.99> | NSE PT 97, Cisco Fax Relay ACK |
[ | 805]<3.99=>2.53> | Codec C_FxRly |
•Both sides initially use
•NSE signaling packets are sent between <2.53> and <3.99>.
•Both sides switch to Cisco fax relay.
Using rtpcatch to Analyze Common Causes of Failure
The following examples show the rtpcatch output of failed fax sessions. <3.200> is ATA; <2.53> is a Cisco gateway.
Example 7-6 Cisco ATA Configuration Failure
| FAX Summary 1 | ||||
| Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide (SIP) |
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