Chapter 3 Configuring the Cisco ATA for SIP
Configuring the Cisco ATA Using a TFTP Server
For an example of how to configure parameters for the TFTP Server configuration method, see the “Creating Unique and Common Cisco ATA Configuration Files” section on page
Note Be sure to configure the UseSIP parameter to the value of 1 to enable the SIP protocol. This parameter is 0 (for H.323) by default.
Creating Unique and Common Cisco ATA Configuration Files
If you have many Cisco ATAs to configure, a good approach is to create two configuration files:
•One file that will contain only parameter values unique to a specific Cisco ATA.
•One file for parameters that will be configured with values common to a group of Cisco ATAs. If this file is updated, all Cisco ATA devices in this common group can obtain the new configuration data in a
The following procedure demonstrates the steps needed to create these configuration files.
Note The parameters used in this section help illustrate the process of creating a unique Cisco ATA configuration file, and do not include all required SIP parameters in the examples. See Chapter 4, “Basic and Additional SIP Services,” for complete listings and descriptions of required parameters and additional configurable features. Also, refer back to Table
Step 1 Use the example_uprofile.txt file as a template for creating a text file of values that are common to one group of Cisco ATAs. The example_uprofile.txt file is included in the
Copy the example_uprofile.txt file and save it with a meaningful name, such as common.txt.
Step 2 Configure all common parameters by editing the text file as desired. For example, you might configure some parameters as follows:
Tip It is helpful to always include the parameter/value of ToConfig:0 in the Cisco ATA configuration file so that every time this file is downloaded to the Cisco ATA, it will set ToConfig to 0, which the appropriate value for this parameter once the Cisco ATA has been configured. If ToConfig is 1, the Cisco ATA will continue to unnecessarily contact the TFTP server.
Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide (SIP)
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