Cisco uBR7225VXR Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide
AppendixE Frequency Allocation Tables
NTSC Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies
87 600.0-606.0 601.25 603.0 605.75 601.2625 605.7625 600.0300 604.5300
88 606.0-612.0 607.25 609.0 611.75 607.2625 611.7625 606.0303 610.5303
89 612.0-618.0 613.25 615.0 617.75 613.2625 617.7625 612.0306 616.5306
90 618.0-624.0 619.25 621.0 623.75 619.2625 623.7625 618.0309 622.5309
91 624.0-630.0 625.25 627.0 629.75 625.2625 629.7625 624.0312 628.5312
92 630.0-636.0 631.25 633.0 635.75 631.2625 635.7625 630.0315 634.5315
93 636.0-642.0 637.25 639.0 641.75 637.2625 641.7625 636.0318 640.5318
94 642.0-648.0 643.25 645.0 647.75 643.2625 647.7625 642.0321 646.5321
100 648.0-654.0 649.25 651.0 653.75 649.2625 653.7625 648.0324 652.5324
101 654.0-660.0 655.25 657.0 659.75 655.2625 659.7625 654.0327 658.5327
102 660.0-666.0 661.25 663.0 665.75 661.2625 665.7625 660.0330 664.5330
103 666.0-672.0 667.25 669.0 671.75 667.2625 671.7625 666.0333 670.5333
104 672.0-678.0 673.25 675.0 677.75 673.2625 677.7625 672.0336 676.5336
105 678.0-684.0 679.25 681.0 683.75 679.2625 683.7625 678.0339 682.5339
106 684.0-690.0 685.25 687.0 689.75 685.2625 689.7625 684.0342 688.5342
107 690.0-696.0 691.25 693.0 695.75 691.2625 695.7625 690.0345 694.5345
108 696.0-702.0 697.25 699.0 701.75 697.2625 701.7625 696.0348 700.5348
109 702.0-708.0 703.25 705.0 707.75 703.2625 707.7625 702.0351 706.5351
110 708.0-714.0 709.25 711.0 713.75 709.2625 713.7625 708.0354 712.5354
111 714.0-720.0 715.25 717.0 719.75 715.2625 719.7625 714.0357 718.5357
112 720.0-726.0 721.25 723.0 725.75 721.2625 725.7625 720.0360 724.5360
113 726.0-732.0 727.25 729.0 731.75 727.2625 731.7625 726.0363 730.5363
114 732.0-738.0 733.25 735.0 737.75 733.2625 737.7625 732.0366 736.5366
115 738.0-744.0 739.25 741.0 743.75 739.2625 743.7625 738.0369 742.5369
116 744.0-750.0 745.25 747.0 749.75 745.2625 749.7625 744.0372 748.5372
117 750.0-756.0 751.25 753.0 755.75 751.2625 755.7625 750.0375 754.5375
118 756.0-762.0 757.25 759.0 761.75 757.2625 761.7625 756.0378 760.5378
119 762.0-768.0 763.25 765.0 767.75 763.2625 767.7625 762.0381 766.5381
120 768.0-674.0 769.25 771.0 773.75 769.2625 773.7625 768.0384 772.5384
121 774.0-780.0 775.25 777.0 779.75 775.2625 779.7625 774.0387 778.5387
122 780.0-786.0 781.25 783.0 785.75 781.2625 785.7625 780.0390 784.5390
123 786.0-792.0 787.25 789.0 791.75 787.2625 791.7625 786.0393 790.5393
124 792.0-798.0 793.25 795.0 797.75 793.2625 797.7625 792.0396 796.5396
125 798.0-804.0 799.25 801.0 803.75 799.2625 803.7625 798.0399 802.5399
126 804.0-810.0 805.25 807.0 809.75 805.2625 809.7625 804.0402 808.5402
TableE-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)
No., EIA
Carrier (MHz)
Aural Carrier
Incrementally Related
Harmonically Related
Visual Aural Visual Aural