Cisco uBR7225VXR Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide
AppendixE Frequency Allocation Tables
NTSC Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies
PP 522390.0-396.0 391.25 393.0 395.75 391.2625 395.7625 390.0195 394.5195
QQ 532396.0-402.0 397.25 399.0 401.75 397.2625 401.7625 396.0198 400.5198
RR 54 402.0-408.0 403.25 405.0 407.75 403.2625 407.7625 402.0201 406.5201
SS 55 408.0-414.0 409.25 411.0 413.75 409.2625 413.7625 408.0204 412.5204
TT 56 414.0-420.0 415.25 417.0 419.75 415.2625 419.7625 414.0207 418.5207
UU 57 420.0-426.0 421.25 423.0 425.75 421.2625 425.7625 420.0210 424.5210
VV 58 426.0-432.0 427.25 429.0 431.75 427.2625 431.7625 426.0213 430.5213
WW 59 432.0-438.0 433.25 435.0 437.75 433.2625 437.7625 432.0216 436.5216
XX 60 438.0-444.0 439.25 441.0 443.75 439.2625 443.7625 438.0219 442.5219
YY 61 444.0-450.0 445.25 447.0 449.75 445.2625 449.7625 444.0222 448.5222
ZZ 62 450.0-456.0 451.25 453.0 455.75 451.2625 455.7625 450.0225 454.5225
63 456.0-462.0 457.25 459.0 461.75 457.2625 461.7625 456.0228 460.5228
64 462.0-468.0 463.25 465.0 467.75 463.2625 467.7625 462.0231 466.5231
65 468.0-474.0 469.25 471.0 473.75 469.2625 473.7625 468.0234 472.5234
66 474.0-480.0 475.25 477.0 479.75 475.2625 479.7625 474.0237 478.5237
67 480.0-486.0 481.25 483.0 485.75 481.2625 485.7625 480.0240 484.5240
68 486.0-492.0 487.25 489.0 491.75 487.2625 491.7625 486.0243 490.5243
69 492.0-498.0 493.25 495.0 497.75 493.2625 497.7625 492.0246 496.5246
70 498.0-504.0 499.25 501.0 503.75 499.2625 503.7625 498.0249 502.5249
71 504.0-510.0 505.25 507.0 509.75 505.2625 509.7625 504.0252 508.5252
72 510.0-516.0 511.25 513.0 515.75 511.2625 515.7625 510.0255 514.5255
73 516.0-522.0 517.25 519.0 521.75 517.2625 521.7625 516.0258 520.5258
74 522.0-528.0 523.25 525.0 527.75 523.2625 527.7625 522.0261 526.5261
75 528.0-534.0 529.25 531.0 533.75 529.2625 533.7625 528.0264 532.5264
76 534.0-540.0 535.25 537.0 539.75 535.2625 539.7625 534.0267 538.5267
77 540.0-546.0 541.25 543.0 545.75 541.2625 545.7625 540.0270 544.5270
78 546.0-552.0 547.25 549.0 551.75 547.2625 551.7625 556.0273 550.5273
79 552.0-558.0 553.25 555.0 557.75 553.2625 557.7625 552.0276 556.5276
80 558.0-564.0 559.25 561.0 563.75 559.2625 563.7625 558.0279 562.5279
81 564.0-570.0 565.25 567.0 569.75 565.2625 569.7625 564.0282 568.5282
82 570.0-576.0 571.25 573.0 575.75 571.2625 575.7625 570.0285 574.5285
83 576.0-582.0 577.25 579.0 581.75 577.2625 581.7625 576.0288 580.5288
84 582.0-588.0 583.25 585.0 587.75 583.2625 587.7625 582.0291 586.5291
85 588.0-594.0 589.25 591.0 593.75 589.2625 593.7625 588.0294 592.5294
86 594.0-600.0 595.25 597.0 599.75 595.2625 599.7625 594.0297 598.5297
TableE-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)
No., EIA
Carrier (MHz)
Aural Carrier
Incrementally Related
Harmonically Related
Visual Aural Visual Aural