Cisco uBR7225VXR Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide
AppendixE Frequency Allocation Tables
NTSC Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies
127 810.0-816.0 811.25 813.0 815.75 811.2625 815.7625 810.0405 814.5405
128 816.0-822.0 817.25 819.0 821.75 817.2625 821.7625 816.0408 820.5408
129 822.0-828.0 823.25 825.0 827.75 823.2625 827.7625 822.0411 826.5411
130 828.0-834.0 829.25 831.0 833.75 829.2625 833.7625 828.0414 832.5414
131 834.0-840.0 835.25 837.0 839.75 835.2625 839.7625 834.0417 838.5417
132 840.0-846.0 841.25 843.0 845.75 841.2625 845.7625 840.0420 844.5420
133 846.0-852.0 847.25 849.0 851.75 847.2625 851.7625 846.0423 850.5423
134 852.0-858.0 853.25 855.0 857.75 853.2625 857.7625 852.0426 856.5426
135 858.0-864.0 859.25 861.0 863.75 859.2625 863.7625 858.0429 862.5429
136 864.0-870.0 865.25 867.0 869.75 865.2625 869.7625 864.0432 868.5432
137 870.0-876.0 871.25 873.0 875.75 871.2625 875.7625 870.0435 874.5435
138 876.0-882.0 877.25 879.0 881.75 877.2625 881.7625 876.0438 880.5438
139 882.0-888.0 883.25 885.0 887.75 883.2625 887.7625 882.0441 886.5441
140 888.0-894.0 889.25 891.0 893.75 889.2625 893.7625 888.0444 892.5444
141 894.0-900.0 895.25 897.0 899.75 895.2625 899.7625 894.0447 898.5447
142 900.0-906.0 901.25 903.0 905.75 901.2625 905.7625 900.0450 904.5450
143 906.0-912.0 907.25 909.0 911.75 907.2625 911.7625 906.0453 910.5453
144 912.0-918.0 913.25 915.0 917.75 913.2625 917.7625 912.0456 916.5456
145 918.0-924.0 919.25 921.0 923.75 919.2625 923.7625 918.0459 922.5459
146 924.0-930.0 925.25 927.0 929.75 925.2625 929.7625 924.0462 928.5462
147 930.0-936.0 931.25 933.0 935.75 931.2625 935.7625 930.0465 934.5465
148 936.0-942.0 937.25 939.0 941.75 937.2625 941.7625 936.0468 940.5468
149 942.0-948.0 943.25 945.0 947.75 943.2625 947.7625 942.0471 946.5471
150 948.0-954.0 949.25 951.0 953.75 949.2625 953.7625 948.0474 952.5474
151 954.0-960.0 955.25 957.0 959.75 955.2625 959.7625 954.0477 958.5477
152 960.0-966.0 961.25 963.0 965.75 961.2625 965.7625 960.0480 964.5480
153 966.0-972.0 967.25 969.0 971.75 967.2625 971.7625 966.0483 970.5483
154 972.0-978.0 973.25 975.0 977.75 973.2625 977.7625 972.0486 976.5486
155 978.0-984.0 979.25 981.0 983.75 979.2625 983.7625 978.0489 982.5489
156 984.0-990.0 985.25 987.0 989.75 985.2625 989.7625 984.0492 988.5492
157 990.0-996.0 991.25 993.0 995.75 991.2625 995.7625 990.0495 994.5495
158 996.0-1002.0 997.25 999.0 1001.75 997.2625 1001.7625 996.0498 1000.5498
1. This column is for historical channel listings.
2. Aeronautical channels visual carrier frequency tolerance +/–5 kHz.
TableE-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)
No., EIA
Carrier (MHz)
Aural Carrier
Incrementally Related
Harmonically Related
Visual Aural Visual Aural