Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Modem does not | The service or site |
connect at highest | called does not |
speed (continued). | support 56K or |
| supports an |
| incompatible 56K |
| implementation. |
An internal modem supports K56flex.
To find an Internet service provider (ISP) that supports K56flex, go to the Compaq Web site at:
| |
| There is noise on the | The 56K protocol of an |
| telephone line. | internal modem will fall |
| back to lower speeds if |
| the telephone line is too |
| noisy for a |
| connection. |
| Try using another |
| telephone line. |
| Change the |
| Delay S Register: |
| 1. Select Start! |
| Programs |
| !Accessories! |
| HyperTerminal. |
| 2. Go to Command |
| Mode, type |
| ATS10=150, then |
| press Enter. |
| NOTE: This command |
| causes the modem to |
| take longer to disconnect |
| even if there is no noise |
| on the line. |
| The telephone line | The 56K protocol requires |
| does not support | that the telephone line |
| 56K implementation. | contain no more than one |
| |
| conversion. |
| Try connecting from an |
| alternate site. |