Solving PC Card Problems
Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
Computer does not | PC Card is not | Try reinserting the card. |
beep when a PC | inserted properly. | Ensure that the PC Card |
Card is inserted. |
| is inserted in the correct |
| orientation. Insert the |
| card gently to prevent |
| damage to the pins. |
| Speakers are turned | Adjust the volume control |
| off or volume is | on the computer. |
| turned down. |
| PC Card or card | Check the list of PC |
| driver is not PCMCIA | Cards tested successfully |
| compliant. | in Compaq PC Card |
| platforms. |
Computer beeps only | The computer beeps | Before a new PC Card |
once when a PC | once to indicate that | can be used, it may be |
Card is inserted. | a PC Card is | necessary to perform an |
| recognized but not | initial setup procedure. |
| properly configured. | Follow the PC Card |
| manufacturer's |
| instructions for formatting |
| a hard drive card or |
| installing |
| PC |
| for a network card. |
Network PC Card | Necessary drivers | Refer to the instructions |
does not work. | are not installed | that came with the PC |
| (turned on). | Card or contact the |
| vendor for information on |
| installing the correct |
| drivers. |
PC Card is not fully inserted or is upside down.
Ensure the PC Card is inserted correctly.