Problem | Possible Cause | Solution |
External microphone | Sound source is not | Ensure that microphone |
does not work | selected. | is selected as the |
(continued). |
| recording source in |
| Control Panel ! |
| Multimedia and that the |
| recording level is |
| adjusted. |
| Audio settings are | Check the game |
| not set correctly. | program's audio settings. |
| Volume control on | Adjust the computer |
| the computer is | volume with the Fn+F5 |
| turned down. | hotkeys. |
There is no sound | Volume or mixing | ■ Adjust the overall |
from headphones | controls are set | volume with the |
| incorrectly. | Fn+F5 hotkeys. |
| ■ Use the mixing |
| features available by |
| |
| Speaker icon on the |
| Windows taskbar. |
| Sound source is not | Verify that the sound |
| selected. | source is selected in |
| Control Panel |
| !Multimedia. |
| The headphones are | Check the connection. |
| connected to the |
| wrong jack. |
Volume is too low or | Volume or mixing | ■ Adjust the overall |
too loud. | controls are set | volume with the |
| incorrectly. | Fn+F5 hotkeys. |
| ■ Check the mixing |
| features available by |
| |
| Speaker icon on the |
| Windows taskbar. |