C H E C K T H E M O N I T O R P O W E R L I G H T —
•If the power light is lit or blinking, the monitor has power.
•If the power light is off, firmly press the button to ensure that the monitor is turned on.
•If the power light is blinking, press a key on the keyboard or move the mouse to resume normal operation.
TE S T T H E E L E C T R I C A L O U T L E T — Ensure that the electrical outlet is working by testing it with another device, such as a lamp.
C H E C K T H E D I A G N O S T I C L I G H T S — See "Diagnostic Lights" on page 347.
C H E C K T H E M O N I T O R S E T T I N G S — See the monitor documentation for instructions on adjusting the contrast and brightness, demagnetizing (degaussing) the monitor, and running the monitor
M O V E T H E S U B W O O F E R A W A Y F R O M T H E M O N I T O R — If your speaker system includes a subwoofer, ensure that the subwoofer is positioned at least 60 centimeters (2 feet) away from the monitor.
M O V E T H E M O N I T O R A W A Y F R O M E X T E R N A L P O W E R S O U R C E S — Fans, fluorescent lights, halogen lamps, and other electrical devices can cause the screen image to appear shaky. Turn off nearby devices to check for interference.
R O T A T E T H E M O N I T O R T O E L I M I N A T E S U N L I G H T G L A R E A N D P O S S I B L E I N T E R F E R E N C E A D J U S T T H E W I N D O W S D I S P L A Y S E T T I N G S —
Windows XP:
1 Click Start→ Control Panel→ Appearance and Themes.
2 Click the area you want to change or click the Display icon.
3 Try different settings for Color quality and Screen resolution.
Windows Vista:
1 Click Start → Control Panel→ Hardware and Sound→ Personalization→ Display Settings. 2 Adjust Resolution and Colors settings, as needed.
3D image quality is poor
C H E C K T H E G R A P H I C S C A R D P O W E R C A B L E C O N N E C T I O N — Ensure that the power cable for the graphics card(s) is correctly attached to the card.
C H E C K T H E M O N I T O R S E T T I N G S — See the monitor documentation for instructions on adjusting the contrast and brightness, demagnetizing (degaussing) the monitor, and running the monitor
Power Lights
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product
Information Guide.
The power button light located on the front of the computer illuminates and blinks or remains solid to indicate different states:
•If the power light is green and the computer is not responding, see "Diagnostic Lights" on page 347.
•If the power light is blinking green, the computer is in standby mode. Press a key on the keyboard, move the mouse, or press the power button to resume normal operation.