3Touch News Feed to view the messages and pictures you and your friends have posted. From here you can also:
•Type the message you want your friends to know into the What’s on your mind? text box and then touch the Share button to post the message on the Wall of your Facebook Profile page.
•Touch to capture a picture and then touch the Upload button to post it to your Facebook account for your friends to see.
4Touch Profile to view your Facebook Profile page.
•Touch the Wall tab to view your Facebook wall, where you can see the messages and pictures you and your friends have posted.
•Touch the Info tab to view your account details.
•Touch the Photos tab to view the pictures you have posted.
5Touch to compose and post your messages or pictures.
6Touch to search for your friends on Facebook.
7Touch Friends, type the name of a friend you are looking for on Facebook, and touch the name of the friend you found to:
•View the friend’s wall, info, and pictures on their profile page.
•Type a message into the Write something... text box on your friend's wall screen. Touch Share to post your message on their wall.
8Touch Places to share your location by “checking in” to a place and letting friends know where you are.
NOTE: This feature is only available currently in the U.S.
9Touch Groups to view the groups you created and share posts with small groups of friends.
10Touch Requests to view invitations or requests from your friends.
11Touch Photos to view the pictures you posted.
12Touch the reel to view your friends' pictures and videos easily.
13Touch or drag Notifications to view notifications of your friends’ wall postings.