Flick pages horizontally to view news topics, such as Top Stories, U.S., Sports, and Entertainment. Touch the news headline you are interested in to view the full content.
To add/remove news topics
You can manage the news topics to be displayed on your device as follows.
1 Touch the Menu button → Settings→ News settings.
2Touch Select news topics.
•Select the check boxes next to the news topics you want to display on the device.
•Clear the check boxes next to the unwanted news topics.
To configure news and weather refresh settings
1 Touch the Menu button → Settings→ Refresh settings.
2To refresh news and weather automatically, select the Auto- refresh check box.
3Touch Refresh interval to adjust the refresh interval. Faster refresh intervals increase data usage and consume more battery power.
NOTE: To refresh news and weather manually, touch the Menu button
→ Refresh.