Country (City) | Service Type | Area Codes, |
International Access Code |
| Local Numbers, and |
Country Code |
| |
City Code |
| Web and |
Switzerland (Geneva) | Online Support | support.euro.dell.com |
International Access Code: 00 |
| Tech_support_central_Europe@dell.co |
Country Code: 41 |
| m |
| |
City Code: 22 | Technical Support – Home and Small | 0844 811 411 |
Business |
| |
| |
| Technical Support – Corporate | 0844 822 844 |
| Customer Service – Home and Small | 0848 802 202 |
| Business |
| Customer Service – Corporate | 0848 821 721 |
| Main | 0848 335 599 |
| Fax | 022 799 01 90 |
| Sales | 022 799 01 01 |
Taiwan | Online Support | support.ap.dell.com |
International Access Code: 002 |
| support.dell.com.cn/email |
Country Code: 886 | Technical Support – OptiPlex, Latitude, | |
| Inspiron, Dimension, and Electronics and |
| Accessories |
| Technical Support – Servers and Storage | |
| Customer Service | |
| (option 5) |
| Transaction Sales | |
| Corporate Sales | |
Thailand | Online Support | support.ap.dell.com |
International Access Code: 001 Technical Support (OptiPlex, Latitude, and | ||
Country Code: 66 | Dell Precision) |
| |
| Technical Support (PowerApp, PowerEdge, | |
| PowerConnect, and PowerVault) |
| Customer Service | |
| (option 7) |
| Corporate Sales | |
| Transaction Sales | |
Trinidad/Tobago | Online Support | www.dell.com/tt |
| |
| Technical Support, Customer Service, Sales |