w w w . d e l l . c o m / s u p p l i e s s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
2Configure the BOOTP server. Edit the BOOTP configuration file (normally /etc/bootptab). This file is a collection of entries for each BOOTP client served by this server.
An entry for a particular hardware address sets various IP parameters. The following is an example of a typical entry:
net_printer:\ ht=ether:\ ha=000400123ABC:\ ip=\ sm=\ gw=\ hn:
The following table provides information about the parameters.
Parameter | Description |
net_printer= | Host name |
ht=ether | Hardware type (Ethernet) |
ha=00400123ABC | Hardware address |
ip= | IP address |
sm= | Netmask |
gw= | Gateway |
hn: | Sends the host name to the printer |
| and tells the printer to store it |
3Make sure BOOTP is enabled. Check the network setup page.
4Set up the printer host name in the computer. To do so, define the printer IP name and address in the /etc/hosts file or on the name server. This address must match the IP address. You may want to use a host name that is meaningful in your environment (for example, a name that identifies the printer location).
Setting up for network printing