Deliver an easy bolus
1.With pump in the HOME screen, press and hold ACT to “wake up” the pump.
2.When the pump is awake, it will beep or vibrate. You will now be able to program an Easy Bolus.
3.Press the B button for each bolus step desired. Each press will result in a step beep or vibration. If the beep alert type is selected, the beeps will change in pitch to assist your counting.
If the wrong button is pressed or the amount is incorrect, simply wait 30 seconds for the command to time out (do not press any buttons). To restart programming, you will need to wake up the pump again.
4.Press ACT. The pump will beep or vibrate back the amount you just selected. Count the beeps/vibrations. If this amount cor- rectly equates to the desired bolus amount, press ACT to deliver the bolus.
Suspend/resume the pump
1.With pump in the HOME screen, press and hold ACT to “wake up” the pump.
2.To suspend pump delivery, press the S button, then press ACT. Three audible beeps/vibrations will confirm that the pump is in Suspend mode.