DAYTIME date&time

Mode: Packet

No default


date&time Current date and time to set.

This command allows you to set the current date and time for the MFJ-1278B. The format for entering the date&time is


where yy is the last two digits of the year, mm is the two- digit month code (01-12), dd is date (01-31), hh is the hour (00-23), and mm is the minutes after the hour (00-59). All these codes must be exactly two digits, so that numbers from 0 to 9 must be entered with leading zeros. The MFJ-1278B does not check thoroughly for the correct number of days in a month, so you should use some judgment when you set the date.

The date&time parameter is used by the commands CONSTAMP and MSTAMP to "time stamp" received and monitored messages. Entries in the "heard" (displayed by MHEARD) are also time stamped if date&time has been set. The MFJ-1278B's time is updated continuously as long as it is powered up. You must reset the date and time each time you turn on the MFJ-1278B. If you don't do this, the commands CONSTAMP and MSTAMP will not enable time stamping.

If you type DAYTIME without a parameter, the MFJ-1278B will display the current date and time. The format of the display is dd-mm-yy hh:mm if DAYUSA is OFF, and mm/dd/yy hh:mm if DAYUSA is ON. The format for entering date&time is not affected. For example,

cmd: DAYTIME 8402291530

sets the date and time to February 29, 1984 at 3:30 PM. The display of the date and time, with DAYUSA ON would be:

cmd: DAYTIME 02/29/84 15:30:26

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Epson MFJ-1278B manual Daytime date&time, Yymmddhhmm, Cmd Daytime 02/29/84