The Automatic Signal Analysis or ASA, feature installed in the MFJ-1278B firmware can analyze received signals such as RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR mode b and HF Packet. ASA will tell you the speed, data bits, and if the signal is inverted. ASA automatically switches the MFJ-1278B to the correct mode once you accept the results of the signal analysis by typing OK and <ENTER>. As you see ASA is extremely helpful when tuning across the amateur or the shortwave bands. Let ASA help you determine what kind of signals you are listening to.


ASA is effective in analyzing RTTY, ASCII, AMTOR FEC mode b and HF Packet. Once invoked, ASA only takes a few seconds to analyze the tuned-in signal. Once the result is displayed, the user can decide whether to accept by issuing the OK command. If the user questions the results, ASA will continue to analyze the signal and will display the results after each cycle.

When the ASA routine is entered, the MFJ-1278B will enter the "converse" mode automatically and display:


All the you have to do now is to tune in the signal you wish to decode. This is done in accordance with the MFJ-1278B operations manual.

Once invoked, ASA will first display the speed and the confidence factor followed by a pause. After a 5 to 10 second pause it will display the speed of modem used to analyze the signal, data bits of the signal which will be either 5, 6, 7 or 8. Any data bit analysis of 6 should not be used and the signal should be re-analyzed. Last it will display the setting of what it will change the RXInvert command to (On or Off). This is what ASA will switch the MFJ-1278B to, if the user accepts its result.

The display is in the following format:

<Speed><Confidence Factor>.<Speed><Data Bits><RXInvert On/Off>

A typical result will look like this:

80 baud, 90% Confidence. 75 baud used 7 bits, RXInvert Off

Once the result is displayed, the user can exit ASA signal mode by pressing any key. MFJ- 1278B will return cmd: command prompt without changing the operation mode.

If the analyzed result is acceptable, the user will simply type:


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Epson MFJ-1278B manual WtgCD, SpeedConfidence Factor.SpeedData BitsRXInvert On/Off, OK Enter