6.3 Starting Method

General form of command line

hx63 ^ [Options] ^ <Absolute object file name> ^ <ICE parameter file name>

^ denotes a space.

[ ] indicates the possibility to omit.

The order of options and file names can be arbitrary.

File names

Absolute object file: <File name>.abs

ICE parameter file: <File name>.par

The extension of an absolute object file can be omitted. The ICE parameter file must be specified with its extension.

A long file name supported in Windows and a path name can be specified. When including spaces in the file name, enclose the file name with double quotation marks (").


The hex converter comes provided with the following four start-up options:


Function: Conversion of existing codes only

Explanation: Converts and delivers only the object codes that exist in the specified absolute object file. Data for unused addresses is not delivered.

Default: If this option is not specified, the hex data for the entire available memory range of the model is delivered to the output file. Unused addresses are filled with 0xff.


Function: Output of error files

Explanation: Creates an .err file which contains the information that the hex converter outputs to the Standard Output (stdout), such as error messages.

Default: If this option is not specified, no error file will be created.


Function: Conversion into Intel-HEX format

Explanation: Generates the hex files ("h.hex", "l.hex" and "c.hex") in Intel-HEX format. Default: If this option is not specified, Motorola-S format files (".hsa", ".lsa" and ".csa") are


-o <file name>

Function: Specification of output path/file name

Explanation: Specifies an output path/file name without extension or with an extension ".hsa", ".lsa", ".csa", "h.hex", "l.hex" or "c.hex". By specifying only one file name, three hex files will be generated.

If no extension is specified, an appropriate extension will be supplemented at the end of the specified output path/file name. In this case, ".hsa", ".lsa" or ".csa" is added to the output file name. If Intel-HEX format is specified, "h.hex", "l.hex" or "c.hex" is added to the output file name. It may change a DOS file name (8 characters max.) to a long file name for Windows.

Default: The input file name is used for the output file names.

When entering an option in the command line, one or more spaces are necessary before and after the option.

Example: c:\epson\s1c63\bin\hx63 -e test.abs par63xxx.par