rec (record commands to a file)


This command records all debug commands following this command to a specified command file.









>rec <file name>

(direct input mode)





(guidance mode) ...See Examples for guidance.



<file name>: Command file name (path can also be specified)
















(1) First rec execution after debugger starts up





? sample.cmd





File name

...? 2

...Displayed If the file is already exists.



1. append

2. clear and open


(2)"rec" command input in the second and following sessions


Set to record off mode. ...Record function toggles when rec is input.



Set to record on mode.


In record on mode, besides the commands directly input in the [Command] window, the commands executed by selecting from a menu or with a tool bar button (except the [Help] menu commands) are also displayed in the [Command] window, and output to the specified file.

If you modify the register value or data memory contents by direct editing in the [Register] or [Data] window, or set breakpoints in the [Source] window by double-clicking the mouse, the corresponding commands are also displayed in the [Command] window, and output to the specified file.

At the first time, you should specify the file name to which all debug commands following the rec command will be output.

Once an output command file is opened, the recording is suspended and resumed (toggled) every time you input the rec command. This toggle operation remains effective until you terminate the debugger. If you want to record following commands to another file, you can use format (1) to specify the file name, then current output file is closed and all following commands will be recorded in the newly specified file.

If you want to execute some commands frequently, you can record them to a file at the first execution, and then use the com or cmw command to execute that command file you made.

GUI utility

[Option Record …] menu item

When this menu item is selected, a standard file selection dialog box appears for specifying a command recording file. If the recording function has been activated, a dialog box appears allowing selection of either record-off mode or record-on mode. A new recording file can also be specified using the [New...] button.