Debugger db63 (2)













Tool bar



[Key Break] button



Forcibly breaks execution of the target program.


[Load File] button



Reads an object file in the IEEE-695 format into the debugger.


[Load Option] button



Reads a program or optional HEX file in Motorola-S format into the debugger.


[Source] button



Switches the display of the [Source] window to the source mode.


[Unassemble] button



Switches the display of the [Source] window to the unassemble mode.


[Mix] button



Switches the display of the [Source] window to the mix mode.


[Go] button



Executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC.


[Go to Cursor] button



Executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC to the cursor


position in the [Source] window (the address of that line).


[Go from Reset] button



Resets the CPU and then executes the target program from the program start address (0x110).


[Step] button



Executes one instruction step at the address indicated by the current PC.


[Next] button



Executes one instruction step at the address indicated by the current PC.


The calr, calz and int instructions and their subroutines are executed as one step.


[Reset] button



Resets the CPU.



[Break] Button



Sets or clears a breakpoint at the address where the cursor is located in the [Source] window.


[Help] Button



Displays the help window.







Controls on [Source] window



[Find] button

[Search Label]


Searches the specified word

pull-down list box


and moves the source display

Moves the source display to


to the found word location.

the selected label location.

Menus [File] menu

[Run] menu[Break] menu

Development Tools

Load File... Reads an object file in the IEEE-695 format into the debugger. Load Option... Reads a program or optional HEX file in Motorola-S format into the debugger. Flash Memory Operation... Reads/writes data from/to the Flash memory or erases the Flash memory. Exit Terminates the debugger.

Go Executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC. Go to Cursor Executes the target program from the address indicated by the current PC to the cursor position in the [Source] window. Go from Reset This menu item resets the CPU and then executes the target program from the program start address (0x110). Step Executes one instruction step at the address indicated by the current PC. Next Executes one instruction step at the address indicated by the current PC.The calr, calz and int instructions and their subroutines are executed as one step. Command File... Reads a command file and executes the debug commands written in that file. Reset CPU Resets the CPU.

Breakpoint Set...

Displays, sets or clears PC breakpoints.

Data Break...

Displays, sets or clears data break conditions.

Register Break...

Displays, sets or clears register break conditions.

Sequential Break...

Displays, sets or clears sequential break conditions.

Stack Break...

Sets stack area for break.

Break List

Displays all the break conditions that have been set.

Break All Clear

Clears all break conditions.