(3)During log output

If the command execution result is output to a log file as specified by the log command, code is displayed in the [Command] window and its contents are output to the log file also.

If the [Source] window is closed, code is displayed in the same way as in (2) above.

If the [Source] window is open, the window is redisplayed. In this case, the same number of lines is displayed in the [Command] window as displayed in the [Source] window.

(4)Successive display

If you execute the m command after entering it from the keyboard, code can be displayed successively by entering the [Enter] key only until some other command is executed.

When you press the [Enter] key, the [Source] window is scrolled forward one screen.

When displaying code in the [Command] window, 16 lines of code following the previously displayed address are displayed (the same number of lines as displayed in the [Source] window if the m com- mand is executed during log output).


Source codes can be displayed only when an absolute object file that contains source debug informa- tion has been loaded.

The display start address you specified must be within the range of the program memory area available with each microcomputer model.

An error results if the input one is not a hexadecimal number or not a valid symbol.

Error : invalid value

(no such symbol / symbol type error)

An error results if the limit is exceeded.

Error : Address out of range, use 0-0xXXXX

GUI utility

[View Program Mix Mode] menu item, [Mix] button

When this menu item or button is selected, the [Source] window opens or activates and displays the program from the current PC address.

[Mix] button