Work Bench wb63 (2)

Development Tools

Tool bars

[Standard] tool bar [New] button Creates a new document (source, header or project).

[Open] button Opens a document (source, header or project).

[Save] button Saves the document in the active [Edit] window to the file. The file will be overwritten.

[Save All] button Saves the documents of all [Edit] windows and the project information to the respective files.

[Cut] button Cuts the selected text in the [Edit] window to the clipboard.

[Copy] button Copies the selected text in the [Edit] window to the clipboard.

[Paste] button Pastes the text copied on the clipboard to the current cursor position in the [Edit] window.

[Find] button Finds the specified word in the active [Edit] window.

[Find Next] button Finds next target word towards the end of the file.

[Find Previous] button Finds next target word towards the beginning of the file.

[Print] button Prints the document in the active [Edit] window.

[Help] button Displays the help window.

[Build] tool bar [Assemble] button Assembles the assembly source in the active [Edit] window.

[Build] button Builds the currently opened project using a general make process.

[Rebuild All] button Rebuilds the currently opened project.

[Stop Build] button Stops the build process being executed.

[Build] tool bar [HEX Convert] button Invokes the HEX converter.

[Disassemble] button Invokes the disassembler.

[Debug] button Invokes the debugger with the specified ICE parameter file.

[ICE Parameter] pull-down list box Selects the ICE parameter file for the model being developed. In this box, all the ICE parameter files that exist in the "Dev63" directory are listed.

[Output Format] pull-down list box Selects an executable object file format. The build process will generate an executable object in the format selected here.

[Window] tool bar [Cascade] button Cascades the opened [Edit] windows.

[Tile Horizontally] button Tiles the opened [Edit] window horizontally.

[Tile Vertically] button Tiles the opened [Edit] window vertically.

Controls on [Edit] window [Insert Into project] button Inserts the source file being edited into the current opened project.

[Goto Label] pull-down list box Goes to the selected label position.