8.6.6 [View] Menu[Command]

This menu item activates the [Command] window.


This menu item opens or activates the [Source] window and displays the program from the current PC address in the display mode selected from the sub menu items. These sub menu items perform the same functions as executing the u, sc, and m com- mand, respectively.

[Data Dump]

This menu item opens or activates the [Data] window and displays the data memory contents from the memory start address.


This menu item opens or activates the [Register] window and displays the current values of the registers.


This menu item opens or activates the [Trace] window and displays the trace data sampled in the ICE trace memory.


This menu item shows or hides the toolbar.

[Status Bar]

This menu item shows or hides the status bar.

8.6.7 [Option] Menu[Log...]

This menu item starts or stops logging using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the log command.


This menu item starts or stops recording of a command execution using a dialog box. It performs the same function as executing the rec command.

[Mode Setting...]

This menu item sets the on-the-fly display, break and execution counter modes using a dialog box. It performs the same functions as executing the md command.

8.6.8 [Windows] Menu[Cascade]

This menu item cascades the opened windows.


This menu item tiles the opened windows.

This menu shows the currently opened window names. Selecting one activates the window.

8.6.9 [Help] Menu[Contents...]

This menu item displays the contents of help topics.

[About Db63...]

This menu item displays an About dialog box for the debugger.